Warrior that never kills, Venus miner that lives in power suit all the time?


Science fiction fantasy
Sep 18, 2016
This was another lesser known SF master. The story has three different parts, interwoven. One is a warrior from a tribe that fights masterfully, but only causing pain. He is hired to be a bodyguard.

Another is a man who has lived his entire life surgically installed in a heat and pressure resistant armor to work on Venus. His girlfriend become jealous and enlists another character to rewire the charging unit so it discharges the armor, leaving the miner helpless. In the end he has a normal human body restored.

It was a vivid, interesting story. I thought it was Bester, but it isn't. Thanks!
Part one is the martial art guy. Part two is the Venus pressure suit guy. Can you remember anything about part three of these entwined stories? Also how do the stories entwine?
"Every little helps"
Sorry, they aren't parts as much as intertwined characters of the same story. The ending is anti-climatic with the warrior not really fighting and the miner giving up mining. It is possible all the characters live in the same building on Venus. I think the warrior is hired by a woman, but not the miner's girlfriend.
