The Goddess Project paperback now available


Ziggy Wigwag
Staff member
Oct 13, 2008
West Sussex, UK
After a delay that felt much longer to me than it actually was, the paperback of The Goddess Project, published by Snowbooks, is in the wild. Available at:

Amazon UK (including some third-party sellers at less than RRP; also note delivery should be quicker than they're currently claiming)

Amazon US (third-party sellers only, but not far off UK RRP even with $3.99 postage)

Snowbooks website

Also available to order from bookshops (ISBN 9781911390220), and on the shelf at some branches of Waterstones, including I believe their Piccadilly store, handy for you Londoners. Might also be at Forbidden Planet, and possibly others.

(Of course, Kindle version also available at Amazon UK and Amazon US, and some other countries.)

I'm a fan of physical books myself, and personally, I really like this paperback. It's a nice size, flops open well, and the layout and typefaces are bang on. As for the story itself, there are "Look Inside" previews on the Amazon links above, and here's the first blog review, hot off the press:

Peat Long's Blog: The Goddess Project by Bryan Wigmore

Any other reviews would of course be wonderful. If anyone reading this has a blog and wants an ebook to review (or maybe a paperback if you'd prefer and I can swing it) PM me.

Finally, for anyone who missed it last time, here's the full cover, including blurb.

Silly question -- is it better for you for a copy to be picked off the shelf at a Waterstones which stocks it (I'm assuming Chichester is one -- I'm there on Saturday) or for it to be ordered at a non-stockist branch, so your name gets around a bit more?

Doing any signings locally? Any launch parties I can crash?!
Silly question -- is it better for you for a copy to be picked off the shelf at a Waterstones which stocks it (I'm assuming Chichester is one -- I'm there on Saturday) or for it to be ordered at a non-stockist branch, so your name gets around a bit more?

Not a silly question. I'll ask my contact how Waterstones restocking operates. Going to ask them about signings etc too.
Just for info HB - got an update on the order I put in yesterday on Amazon. Will now be delivered some time Jan 28-30 (was originally 8-18 of Feb).

Don't forget to ask your local library to get a copy in. You still get royalties for library loans (though I think you have to register with something to qualify - the SOA will know), and they might give pride of place to a local rabbit like yourself.
I got my statement today and will be two quid richer come Feb! Who hoo.

You need to register with PLR and then it all gets done for you.

Go, everyone! Order Chronners' books!
That was always the problem for me. If the books were there I'd think, "Did anyone buy the book? Were there more copies that are gone now?" If there were no books, I would think, "Did they sell them all? Or did they not order and stock any copies in the first place?"
The book looks just as attractive resting on my coffee table too. That cover is really striking. I was a beta reader some time ago and loved the story then. I am really looking forward to reading it in its final form.

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