Best Stephen Palmer novel to start with?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
I'm tempted to pick up Beautiful Intelligence to sample Stephen Palmer's work - but I wondered if there's a different novel readers would recommend starting with?

I know Beautiful Intelligence is part of a series, so I'm not sure whether that - or a self-contained novel - would probably work better?
Definitely The Girl With Two Souls.

The Rat & The Serpent isn't my best work.
BI I have mixed feelings for, though No Grave For A Fox I like.

If you're on Kindle @Brian G Turner you might like Memory Seed.
is for fans of psychedelic music only.
Urbis Morpheos is very challenging!
Hairy London is mad as a badger.

I rest my case. :/
I'd agree with Stephen that The Girl With Two Souls is his best work.

I quite liked the idea behind The Rat And The Serpent (a novel in black and white) but not his best.

Hairy London, I enjoyed but felt like I was in a trench cowering under a barrage from a manic imagination (and maybe I was). I was left somewhat bemused and shell-shocked by the experience. Perhaps this was because it was the first book of his I read.

I disagree with him on Beautiful Intelligence. I have no mixed feelings....I thoroughly enjoyed it:)

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