Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology

Nick B

author Nick Bailey, formerly Quellist.
Feb 13, 2014
Is anyone else looking forward to this? Havn't heard anyone talking about it yet.
My mistake, sorry. No idea why I wrote that as gods...
I am looking forward to getting my hands on Norse Mythology when I get the chance. Can't wait to give it a whirl and read about the Norse Gods from Neil's gaze! That sounds odd, come to think of it...
I've just bought it. It's partly to help with my MA as I'm penning a novel that is partly based on Norse myths.
Old thread, I know, but I loved this book - again I knew the myths but loved them told by Gaiman. Also there's a youtube thing of him reading it as an audiobook, great listening before bed :)
Old thread, I know, but I loved this book - again I knew the myths but loved them told by Gaiman. Also there's a youtube thing of him reading it as an audiobook, great listening before bed :)

Book you might find of interest.

The Children of Odin : Nordic Gods and Heroes by Padraic Colum

Under fiction there an old norse themed fantasy novel you might find entertaining

Day of Giants by Lester Del Rey

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