Scrivener looks like the business! A bit overkill for my purposes maybe, but great for organizing scattered notes. I currently have those on little bits of paper. It would be nice to have it all in one place.
@Vaz I suppose when you talk about formatting you mean for release on digital formats?
I was the same when I got into Scrivener. I am very disorganised by nature but a bit of a control freak at the same time, which is... frustrating. I got Scrivener and watched maybe the first couple tutorials and thought I'd never use the rest. I probably use about 30% of its functionality but this increases as I need more; research the workings of Scriv: add to my skill set
. Now, looking back on when I tried to use Word or Pages, I realise that I probably wouldn't still be writing if I hadn't come across Scrivener.
To answer your question about options for compiling manuscripts, here are a couple of screen grabs for the highly customisable compile process:
This one above is the the options for novel, etc.
Above is the type of publication format.
I love the ability to group characters (or POVs, or anything else, for that matter) in "Collections". this means that in a book that spans 5 time periods, with multiple POVs, with one click on the collections binders I can bring up all that character's/theme's/symbol's/POV's/Date appearance in my manuscript. For example:
The above is my normal working screen. On the left is the project tree. I have given Henry, Firmin, Gilbert, Osmund and Lady Selwyn's diary their own collections. The text that is selected is what appears in the main screen.
But here, I clicked the blue bar (you set all these properties yourself i.e name and colour of the collection etc) and that brings up all of LadySelwyn's journal entries. In the novel they are scattered throughout thechapters of one time period. This was a great method for me to be able to keep track of what she'd been writing without going back and forth every time. For me, I think Collections will the be the biggest new feature I use. (I only started using it recently.)
On the right hand side, the smaller pane is where you can set metatags, or even simple tickbox things like whether or not it should be included in a compile, or if it is draft 1, proofed, etc. It will showthe colour of the POV you've assigned, too (provided you've given characters a different colour) so it's good for at-a-glance, too.