British Fantasy Society Competition

Oh, nice -- also open to anyone, not just UK.

Interesting, I've been trying to look up the judge, Allen Ashley (who rather unfortunately shares the name in reverse order with a person who writes some shocking titles indeed), and I'm not having much luck. I can't find anything that I can "look inside" to see how he writes, and can only find most of his published stuff available as POD or used from AbeBooks or Amazon UK. Some fascinating descriptions of his writing style, but no samples. Sigh.

Quite a task, though, being the sole judge and promising to read all entries completely.
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I've been trying to look up the judge, Allen Ashley

Such a nice man... OK, he really liked my entry in 2013, so I am biased. I don't know what feedback everyone else got, but he sent me the reasons why mine was picked.
I can see how that might be. From the sound of it, he writes stuff a lot like yours. :)
But a fiver isn't much. Give the dark lord a spin ;)


That was my initial thought, @Phyrebrat. There's a whole new market there that I've not assaulted with the Dark Lord.

I've had a look at membership. They do a paperless level now for £20 rather than £35.

Is it worth it? Any members around?
Feck. I'm cash strapped right now otherwise I'd be all over this like a Gremlin with Nutella.

Best of luck to the rich people who enter.

Such a nice man... OK, he really liked my entry in 2013, so I am biased. I don't know what feedback everyone else got, but he sent me the reasons why mine was picked.

This is what worked in 2013: Pawnarchy

Look at you go! I hadn't had a chance to look this over yet, so I hadn't realized that what you meant by that humble thing there was "I WON THE WHOLE BLEEDING THING IN 2013!" :eek::LOL:
Look at you go! I hadn't had a chance to look this over yet, so I hadn't realized that what you meant by that humble thing there was "I WON THE WHOLE BLEEDING THING IN 2013!" :eek::LOL:

The really crazy thing is I wrote it in my head on a car journey one evening whilst the Biskitetta was driving. Did a bit of mental editing as we skirted round Bodmin Moor and that was it - home late, check chickens, go to bed. Next morning, cold light of day and all that, it seemed OK in my head, so I put fingers to keyboard. Then the BFS competition came along so I sent it in and forgot about it.
Been there, done that as well. I used to have a notebook for jotting down ideas but I can't remember where I put it. I have a regular repeat conversation with the Biskitetta that starts with "I had this really great idea, but now it's gone." The usual answer, summarised, goes: What were you doing when you had the idea... OK, what have you been doing for the last ten minutes... OK, the last five minutes...

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