I'm not even sure I understand what point they are making::
:: however I get the feeling that it edges toward our not going to these movies to see the character portrayals.
When I saw the first star wars movie I'd had about 30 years of science fiction reading behind me and I honestly didn't see this forward thinking and progressive; I was a repackaging of everything I was already familiar with in the genre.
For me the movie was the characters and their story. The only thing new was the special effects were starting to edge upward into something that went beyond cardboard backdrops.
And the Jet Benny Show::
The Jet Benny Show - Wikipedia
:: managed to show us how bad it could have turned out.
And spaceballs showed up::
Spaceballs - Wikipedia
:: to remind us not to take it all too serious.
Overall:: I think if they keep the character's back-story consistent and continue with the usual advances in SE, these spinoffs should do well to great and give the franchise extended life beyond the 9 films.
One thing that I've noticed is that directors seem to be like electronic engineers.
Give them a project and they want to build everything from the bottom up because they don't want to deal with someone else old technology.
How many remakes of Batman and Superman and Spiderman can the moviegoers endure.
Sure that 's a bit unfair since we haven't really done the Han Solo thing before; but should we remake the entire franchise theme and run the risk that we create an alternate universe for the character.