Silent Running

More five star reviews for Silent Running. I love it when the true fans voice their unabashed appreciation.

5.0 out of 5 starsAnother great book in the series!!!!! LOVE it!!
ByThanikarn Skulratanaon July 17, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Finally...Book 3 in my kindle YEAH!!!! After one year of waiting, it is finally released. I kept checking for this book every 3-4 weeks and had to sigh with disappointment because there was no book 3 out there in the kindle store yet. When I checked it again a few days ago and saw Book 3, I screamed and bought it as fast as i can and then locked myself in the room for the whole day (well except during mealtimes of course. i need to survive first before i can finish the book). I really love the development of Nathan and how the story developed. Hope that the next book will be released soon. Great job MR Strebor!!!!!!!!
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5.0 out of 5 starsThe third in an outstanding series.
ByMike Morrowon July 23, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
This is the third book in the Nathan Telford series. I have found the series to be extremely entertaining. It's hard for me to put my finger on exactly why this authors writing is so compelling. It was really nice to see all the character growth in Nathan's character, it was nice to see him go beyond blind hatred and begin to hate the governmental organization not the people.

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