Simon Green "just another Judgement Day"

Danny McG

Lid closed, monkey dead.
Sep 9, 2016
Cumbria UK
I've got this book but am unsure about it. According to the 'blurb it is part of something called The Nightside series.
My query is, could I read this as a stand-alone or would I need to search around and get most of the series?
I don't think I'd heard of this author until now.
Book was part of a mixed bag from a Salvation Army shop.
If it's a poor series then I'll just get rid without reading.
If it's a poor series then I'll just get rid without reading.
Well, I'm a bit biased because he's one of my favourite authors, but I found it an enjoyable series. With pretty much all of his series, he typically covers stuff that's happened before - there'll probably be a couple of introductory paragraphs in the opening chapeter, and stuff that's happened in other books will get mentions as and when it's relevant as the story progresses. So, I reckon you could read it as a standalone without having to have read the others. That said, it's the 9th book in the series, so one option might be to read a couple of chapters and see if you like it; if so, you could read the first 8 then come back to it without already knowing too much about what will happen.

His style is pretty consistent, so a chapter or two should give you a fair idea of what to expect with the rest of the book/series. I'll be interested to see what you make of it.
Cheers, I might well give it a go then. If it seems ok I'll get more.

Ninth? Must be some series! It only says "latest in the Nightside series" on the book I have.
According to Wikipedia, there are twelve books in the series... in the US. It seems that in the UK, there are so far five, each one containing two of the books in the US series... which means the last two "US" books" may not have yet made it into the "UK" series (the uncertainty being based on whether or not the Wiki page is up to date).
Odd that, the paperback I got is only a single book.
There again this town gets thousands of American tourists every year, probably left at Sal Army shop by one of 'em.
Well I started reading this last night, got a few chapters into it, stopped, went online and got all twelve as ebooks.
I have a feeling I'll be in for a nagging about it but wahey!

Edit: Didn't realise it was the Deathstalker author, I had read some a good few years ago so I did know the writer after all
It seems that in the UK, there are so far five, each one containing two of the books in the US series... which means the last two "US" books" may not have yet made it into the "UK" series
As far as I know they were all released individually over here, but have now been re-issued as two novels bundled into one paperback. Kindle versions are, I think, different again - I'm pretty sure you can buy them individually.
It only says "latest in the Nightside series" on the book I have.
Well, yeah, but after the first, you can add "latest in the series" to every one, right?;)
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