Angel's Truth - Free Advance Review Copies (ARCs)

Gonk the Insane

Back from Sabbatical
Aug 16, 2015
Cambridge, England
At the end of August I'll be publishing my first novel, Angel's Truth, the first volume in a Fantasy trilogy that's being released between the end of August and mid-October.

In the run-up to publication, free kindle copies of Angel's Truth are available for any Chrons members who'd like a copy in exchance for posting an honest review on or around release date (Saturday 26th August). To give you an idea of what to expect, here's the teaser blurb:

The Truth is Never Painless

The church is betrayed, and in the midst of an assault on a remote stronghold, it falls to Tol Kraven, the church knights’ most troublesome apprentice, to deliver a cryptic message to a distant convent.

Pursued by the world’s most notorious killers, Tol’s journey will take him across the frozen north in a desperate race. His path will take him to the prize the church’s enemies seek, and the terrible secret at the heart of the church, a secret inextricably linked with his own family’s dark past.

A secret men will kill to keep.

A secret men will kill to learn.

A secret that if revealed could destroy an entire religion.

The greatest truths, he will learn, are never painless.

Kindle review copies will be available from Monday 31st July, so if you'd like a copy drop me a line via PM and I'll email a sparkling kindle book over to you.

If anyone would like to play Guess what that plum chose as a pen-name (and you don't actually know what it is already) do feel free to post guesses to this thread.:)
I had a look on Amazon to see if there's a pre-order option ..very strange.
If you type in the search box "Angel's Truth book" you get a hit on PKD The Man in the High Castle!
Hi Gonk - did you get anyone for this
Not yet, but it's only been a day. Thanks for the offer, Jo, it's much appreciated - I can always send you a copy over and if you don't get to it, you don't get to it.

I had a look on Amazon to see if there's a pre-order option ..very strange.
Ah, that's because I haven't pressed the magic button yet. It should be going up next week - I just wanted to do the rounds for ARCs first so folks have as much time as possible before release date to read at their leisure.
PKD The Man in the High Castle
Hmm, if I could get it the other way round so that directs to my book...:)
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