(Found) Daughter that ran across the universe from abusive mother


New Member
Sep 8, 2017
Hey there folks. This is sci-fi short story about young girl that tried to run from her abusive mother. She asked her father (who divorced her mother) to help her. He used 3D atomic printer to provide fake passports. She sold herself to the shelf company as a child slave. She owned the company herself so she was her own master. She went with other kids somewhere to space to mine some resources then got enough money so she started her own colony of one. With automated machines. Harvesters and energy collectors...
She became queen of her little own corner of universe. Then her mother converted to some branch of future islamic religion so she can regain control over her daughter and sent closest representative of the faith to judge whether her claim is relevant or not. I think whole story is spoken from perspective of this man of faith who travels to decide. Also there is mention of singularity, building of artificial computer world in order to sell it to some alien race and other gems of scifi stories.

As I said it is short story. It may be few years back. Ten or even more. Hard to say now. And it was probably some of more known sci-fi authors because it was published in foreign sci-fi magazine who wouldnt publish something from unknown foreign author.
Very annoying. I know I've read this from your description but no idea of title/author.

Good news. I found by some miracle the title
It is Charles Stross - Accelerando. Specifically the name of short story was Halo. It won Hugo or Nebula around ten years ago. Thanks for help anyway :)
