Origin of this expression?

Danny McG

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
Sep 9, 2016
Cumbria UK
I'm reading a Quiller spy story - The Scorpion Signal - and a strange expression is used.
Quiller has been mildly injured and a nurse is hovering at his bedside....

# "I've got a thirst like a wooden god" I said. #

She laughs and pours him some water .

Where does this wooden god thing come from? (I seem to have heard it before at some time)
Cheers for that. I did google but didn't find your info (my google fu is very poor as a rule)
Reading it and I think I maybe did see it in one of the Boney books a long time ago
Thanks again
Yeah, as soon as I saw the Oz thing I thought of Boney - I think probs the only books I've read featuring the Outback

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