Killjoys 1.08: Come the Rain


Registered Alien
May 27, 2013
1.08 Come the Rain

Another masterful mix of action, drama and character development.

This episode established, with horrific clarity, that the Nine Families and their Company are evil beyond redemption. I cannot imagine a more inhumane method of executing enemies of the state than shackling them to be dissolved, drop by drop, in "black acid rain." The population of Westerley is justified in planning revolt. Go Alvis!

In addition to John's background as a thief and spacecraft mechanic, he should add master psychologist to his resume. Stranding Dutch and D'Avin with an interrogating lie detector to examine their relationship was a stroke of genius. I had to chuckle when they were able to escape their dilemma by simply smashing the device. Who knew?

I liked getting a little more background on Dr. Simms. Westerley is an all-purpose dumping ground for the high and low alike.

I also noticed that the excellent choices for musical background this round included The Heavy's "Short Change Hero," the opening theme song for Strike Back, another team action show which could be Killjoys harder-edged cousin.

Killjoys continues to stand, head-and-shoulders, above any other new scifi offering in recent memory.
Another masterful mix of action, drama and character development.
Don't get me wrong here, I like it, but really, the best "new scifi offering in recent memory" might be going a little OTT. Or, did you mean the best new SyFy Channel offering in recent memory?

I can't believe that a smart woman like Pawter would get addicted to Jakk/Bliss just to pass her exams. This isn't Proplus she took, this is a drug which is well known to cause instant addiction on its first use. But really, a naturally occurring drug that causes addiction on the first use? If the plant that it is refined from is edible then it must be in the food chain already. People fail opiate drug tests after eating poppy seeded bread. You can get drunk eating fruit partially fermented with wild yeast. Coco leaves are not addictive, only the refined Cocaine is. I think the actual existence of Jakk/Bliss is highly unlikely.

Then we have the Black Rain which the Company has caused. What is it that can "dissolve" flesh and bone in a matter of minutes, but has no effect on pavements, roofs and street furniture? What instantly burns your face, but not your clothing? I was originally thinking radiation rather than an acid, alkali or some solvent, but dissolving the bones of the victims is a problem with any of those. It takes very strong acid to do that (see Breaking Bad, season one, for the results and associated problems) and the smell would prevent anyone else from going outside. So, it must be some kind of novel and weird chemical that we haven't discovered yet. Clearly, it must be a weapon then, a failed experimental weapon?
Maybe that was another ADN weapon design. A very vicious one.

Pawler was a smart woman, but she really suffered for her family rejection.

I simple adored the lie detector John prepared for Dutch and D'avin. Genious indeed. Really funny moment.:LOL:

And a sneak peak in this episode:


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