Future 300 Word Challenges

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
As anticipation rises at the approach of 1 October and the next 300 Worder, a couple of announcements about future 300 Word Challenges.

Firstly, for those wondering whether the choose-the-image-poll would return, yes it will, but not this time, as we're a bit worried about the possibility of voter fatigue if it happens every quarter. Plus, back in the Staff Room we have to assemble a dozen or so possible images so as to produce a varied selection of four for the open poll, which threatens to use up our accumulated stock too quickly! (We already recycle "failed" images for our choices backstage, and it's likely that such recycling would show up front of stage, too, before too long.)

So the poll will probably return in readiness for January's Challenge. Meanwhile, TDZ has got hold of a stunning -- not to say terrifying! -- image for this quarter which will be an undoubted success.

Secondly, old-timers will know the 300 Worders have always had a tangible prize, as well as the kudos which comes from winning. Although the prize itself has changed over the years, Brian has always generously supported the Challenges by providing it, at some considerable cost to himself. However, the time has come that he no longer feels able to do this.

In a thread some while ago another member made a very kind offer to fund the 300 Worder prize, but on reflection we think it's perhaps time for a tangible prize to come to an end. We don't imagine anyone enters the Challenges with the prize in view -- indeed, several winners have declined to take up the prize -- so we don't believe it will have any adverse effect on numbers entering or the enthusiasm with which we all take part.

We are considering the idea of some kind of Winner's Certificate, which is currently being drafted at the enormous expense of two whole Jaffa Cakes from the Staff Room Biscuit Vat. However, that (assuming it comes to fruition) and the admiration and envy of your fellow members will be the only prize in the 300s from now on.

Meanwhile, I'm sure we'd all wish to thank Brian for his generosity in funding the prizes to date, especially in view of his financial concerns over the past couple of years.

Announcement over! Now stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, and get ready for the next 300 Word Challenge which will start on Sunday!
Yes, kudos to Brian for both the work he's put in, and the money he's put in to the 300s and the site. The prizes were never the reason for entering, but that was £40 a year (before any P&P) that could have been in Brian's pocket.

Perhaps winners can have a banner under their name in the website, in a similar way to staff members. 300 Word Winner, 3 x 300 Winner, etc.
Won't ever apply to me, but it would be a nice adornment for anyone who does win.
I never even knew there were prizes available.

That's what happens when you can't be bothered reading rules!

How about offering being named as a character in a book?

I'll never win but can only dream of a psycho midget who can only speak in limericks being named after me :)
Brian, you're a top guy and thank you for all your efforts.

The Judge, the certificate is a great idea. I'm sure anyone who wins one would love to receive it.
I'll never win but can only dream of a psycho midget who can only speak in limericks being named after me
Only in Limericks? I might manage rhyming couplets, but do you realise how limiting longer forms are for simple communications, particularly warnings? Nor only the time required to scan, and find rhymes, which I will assume are part of your particular curse, but actual recitation speed:-
Watch out!" I concernedly said
A piano falls toward your head!
A restriction of diction
Restrains my prediction.
'Tis a pity I'm late - now you're dead.

Hardly competes with "Duck! F****" in effectiveness.

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