DISCUSSION -- October 2017 300-Word Writing Challenge (#27)

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
The observant among you will have noticed that although we're well into October 1st, the 300 Word Challenge thread hasn't yet been started. There is a very good reason for that. *cough*

While we wait for a mod who knows how to get an image into a post successfully, here at least is the Discussion thread so you can mutter amongst yourselves peaceably.

I shall also give a hint as to what the image will contain so you can all be drawing on your imaginations: weird bushes and shrubs, a curving stone path, a lone figure in a blue hooded coat...

Get into a spooky-horror-story frame of mind for this one!
And there you go. But I rather like the hinting. We should make a habit of that. Perhaps not in conjunction with being late.
Ah. That's definitely spooky!

I think it's because the image has been taken from a thread in the Staff Room, so we can see it, but non-mods can't. We'll get onto it. Well, someone else will, because I've no idea what to do.

Meanwhile, there is the hint above, to whet your imagination!
Somebody stole the image!!
It's Old Man Withers, what you say Scoob?

Ahh, yes, just building up more suspense. Glad it's working. The suspense, that is, not the image. Although that would be a good thing to have working, too.
Does anyone else see the twisted people made of fog and shadows just behind the hobbit? and the two faces in the ivy? or those three figures bowing a saalam on top of the shrubbery?
A "ghost" image lost in the virtual world forever would've been cool as well. Or maybe sell it saying that only those who believe can see it. That should do it. BELIEVE!
I have a question, is still considered family friendly if I write something a bit horror that uses a bit of gore?
It's a difficult line, there, but basically we prefer to avoid having graphic descriptions of guts and bodily violence and such. If you have doubts about something, feel free to PM a mod with the bits in question and we'll see.
OK many thanks, I think I will change idea or I will make it a bit more... Quite and less violent
Writing something not horror with that image is like asking a cow do produce an egg

Is talking about what the main character feels as a knife get through her skin too much?
