Nexus 9.1 For Sale. One Careful Owner
US Credit Agency, Equifax, was hacked on a very major scale in May of this year. But Equifax only admitted this two months later, and even then were very conservative with regards numbers involved, and exactly what personal information had been stolen.
It wasn't until September that Equifax bosses were a little more forthcoming and admitted that over 140 million of its US customer records had been compromised. And it further admitted that 400,000 British customers had also been affected.
And now this month, Equifax released more bad news: it wasn't 400,000 UK customers, but just under 700,000, compromising over 14 million PI records held since 2011. These records, according to Equifax, "only" contain names and dates of birth. But according to the National Cyber Security Centre, hackers could well have taken security questions/answers, telephone numbers, email addresses etc.
Add all that together and a complete user profile is possible. Just the sort of thing that would appeal to the criminal fraternity.
But the good news is Equifax are "Sorry!" And their share price on the Stock Exchange, has recovered.
So that's okay then!
For those who have accounts with Equifax, it would be best to either update your password, or better still go elsewhere.
Equifax: About those 400,000 UK records we lost? It's now 15.2M. Yes, M for MEELLLION
It wasn't until September that Equifax bosses were a little more forthcoming and admitted that over 140 million of its US customer records had been compromised. And it further admitted that 400,000 British customers had also been affected.
And now this month, Equifax released more bad news: it wasn't 400,000 UK customers, but just under 700,000, compromising over 14 million PI records held since 2011. These records, according to Equifax, "only" contain names and dates of birth. But according to the National Cyber Security Centre, hackers could well have taken security questions/answers, telephone numbers, email addresses etc.
Add all that together and a complete user profile is possible. Just the sort of thing that would appeal to the criminal fraternity.
But the good news is Equifax are "Sorry!" And their share price on the Stock Exchange, has recovered.
So that's okay then!
For those who have accounts with Equifax, it would be best to either update your password, or better still go elsewhere.
Equifax: About those 400,000 UK records we lost? It's now 15.2M. Yes, M for MEELLLION