November 2017 -- 75 Word Challenge -- VICTORY TO MOSAIX!

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Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Princess
Staff member
Nov 1, 2004

Write a story inspired by the chosen theme and genre in no more than 75 words, not including the title

ONE entry per person

NO links, commentary or extraneous material in the posts, please -- the stories must stand on their own


All stories Copyright 2017 by their respective authors

who grant the Chronicles Network the non-exclusive right to publish them here

The complete rules can be found at RULES FOR THE WRITING CHALLENGES

Contest ends at 11:59 pm GMT, November 23 2017

Voting ends at 11:59 pm GMT, November 28 2017

You do not have to submit a story in order to vote --

in fact, we encourage all Chrons members to take part in choosing a winner

The Magnificent Prize:

The Dignified Congratulations/Grovelling Admiration of Your Peers
and the challenge of choosing next month's theme and genre





This thread to be used for entries only
Please keep all comments to the DISCUSSION THREAD

We invite (and indeed hope for) lively discussion and speculation about the stories as they are posted, as long as it doesn't involve the author explaining the plot

** Please do not use the "Like" button in this thread! **
The Magic Spectacles

Emma Jane lived in a world of marbled palaces and golden steeds.

When Professor Nocturne passed through Wiregrass Forks, trumpets blaring and drums booming, Emma Jane knew what she wanted.

She handed a coin to Nocturne, who pocketed it and gave her the spectacles.

"Corrects all ophthalmological distortions," he said.

Emma Jane put them on. The town was a sad, dusty place. It stayed that way, even after she smashed the spectacles underfoot.

Sheriff stormed past waltzing buttercups, happily screaming passengers inside them. “What's the problem?”

The fluffy squid wiped his eye. “That kid said I'm ugly.”

“Well, if it isn't a crime to call a beautiful critter like you ugly, I don't know what is.” He led the kid away.

The squid grinned, tossing children around like juggling balls.

Sheriff whispered, “Kid, find yourself a disguise. And don't call the rides ugly; they refuse to work.”
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The Second Coming

In bonnets and stetsons, the humans filed passed Zorg, gazing in wonder. Each sacrificed a nickel – perhaps they thought him a god. He acknowledged their touching tributes. The bars of his small throne room kept them back.

Zorg had befriended Earth’s leaders: Wanda the Bearded Woman, a warrior named The Kid, Dr Medico, and Dolores the Snakewoman.

He would miss them, but vowed he would return to this dusty town called Roswell.
All Night Long

The posters around the saloon read;

Circus in town tonight, all the way from Europe

Marta began the next song, Pete’s honky-tonk following.
She had recognised their type when they strode in, Old Country arrogant.

Her whispered “Play, no matter what!” had saved the duo when the screaming began, now the caped ones crowded around the stage, fangs glistening.

Vlad gazed at her in appreciation;

Such eyes!

Such skin!

Such veins!
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The Midnight Carnival

Annie smiled and reached for another bottle.

It was lively. A one night only, otherworldly extravaganza; full of magic, colour and wonder, and then they’d vanish with the dawn.

And they liked their liquor strong.

As the sole distiller of what they called Oberon’s Tonic, her saloon was already legendary among them and had also won her the heart of Fortius, their strongman.

When the sun rose, she’d be going with them.
If there's something strange in your circus tent...

The Shaman sang as he shone a torch around the tent, the device casting a sickly green beam. Festooned with the bones of brass instruments, he was one of the new sort, merging the old rituals with technology of the now.

Who you gonna call? the flyer had asked before answering Manitoubusters. The Ringmaster removed his multifaceted shades. He hoped for a result, otherwise it would be the circus that would be going bust.
Fifty Dollars in Gold Per Head

“Darned heart’s … beating wrong. Oh Lord–”
I grab the chairback, stopping her rocking; the old woman quietens.
I release the rocker; its motion resumes.
“Darned heart’s–”

The ringmaster leads me past other exhibits: a snake-bitten Comanche, chanting his death song; a gut-shot cowboy, his final pleas.
“They don’t feel pain?”
“They’ll never feel anything again, Eustace.”
“I’ve emptied the morgue. Leave town before nightfall.”
We pass a young schoolmarm.
“Eustace, I’d die before marrying you.”
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Quick-Shot Challenge Carnival Game

I’ve proven I’m the fastest.


I went to the carnival to see.

In a fenced-off area, was their Shootist – a wooden, man-like construct on wheels.

“The reward?” I ask.

“Everything I own,” replies the vendor.

“The cost?”

“Everything you own.”

I laugh, spin, draw, fire.

Its shot came just before mine.

I chuckle. “Glad it’s just a carnival game!”

I fall to the ground.
All the fun of the fair
Lily waved to the sheriff as they passed. Excitement bubbling, she thought pa would have cancelled after the rancher' s cattle got into the crops.

The night grew dark, she had rode the carousel, eaten cotton candy.
She turned to her father,

"Can we go see the freaks"

"Sure" he replied.

He picked her up, she wrapped her tentacles round his neck,

"Is it true they have arms and only two eyes?"


Drive the loneliest road in America, Highway 50, Nevada.
IMPORTANT; Don't bring any water, that's cheating, will disqualify you.

Watch the left side and believe that all we really know is that " We don't know "
When you see the coyote running parallel, drive to the intersecting point.

Exit car, close eyes, spin, throw keys far as possible!
Spin once more. Open eyes. Sit down and wait for "TOTO THE DOGBOY's AMAZING TRAVELING CIRCUS" to arrive.
Gunslinging Gallants in the Wild Underwater West

Octopus used one arm to tip his cowboy hat, billowing in the tank. Suckers on seven arms clasped onto seven pistols: Colt Paterson Revolvers, all cocked, ready.

Saltwater Axolotl, one and only, (with limbs too short) had just one gun, clamped in its jaws. Mississippi Rifle, .32 caliber.

Octopus fired first, seven shots dug in the Axolotl’s head, limbs and eyes. They started to regrow.

“You missed the one that mattered: my heart,” she said.

Come nightfall the circus prepared for a big night.
Jackson, the owner, rubbed his chin. If my tip pans out I'll make a killing. Everyone loves a circus.
At midnight Jackson stepped from his wagon to see the first of the townsfolk shuffling toward him.
"Can you pay?" he asked the first bedraggled corpse.
A skeletal hand produced a gold locket. The others had similar keepsakes buried with them.
Even the dead loved the circus.
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When me and Rusty - the best dog in the West - heard the circus was in town we just had to go.

'Now, Rusty,' I said. 'No attacking no one. We're here to watch.'

But Rusty ain't one for watching. Instead, he saved the audience from the acid-blooded little dog on a bicycle.

Ma said she'd disown Rusty in the morning if he dripped alien bits through the carpet.

Which, of course, he never did.
The Ravings of Buck Johnson

Folks in this town ‘fraid of new thinking! That’s what I think! I told ‘em I’d been in a ship of space and seen Americay from the heavens. They aksed me why I was wet, an’ I tol’ ‘em the injun sorcerer had dunked me in the arroyo to wake me after I’d had the peyote buttons. They threw me in the horse trough and got me all wet again! Closed minds!
When the circus rolled into town, the children begged to see. They pleaded, with wonder in their eyes. I said no. When the circus knocked on my door, I stayed silent. The children gasped to see the clowns, and again when I raised my gun. Six bullets weren't enough. The circus took me, back to stand amidst the freaks. And the children at last saw me through the eyes of the crowd.
Galveston Island 1878

Valentine vomited over the bed edge thinking, “Carnival is the worst!” She looked around. “Where’s my shirt? …. Who’s the cowboy?” She couldn’t remember. “Ohhh, I drank too much!”

As she searched for her shirt, her teacher, Sister Mary, arrived. “Valentine! You vile sinner!” Huffing she turned, running into a young bearded priest. “Sister, only God can judge.” He smiled at Valentine. “Daughter, God loves you always.”

Valentine smiled. The air shimmered. The priest vanished.
Sister Agnes

The Little Sisters sang their Hallelujahs, the Man in the Moon read fortunes, Chicken Geeks and Pinheads joined Salt-Chunk Mary and her girls in a feverish can-can.

Arizona had never seen such a carny.

The heady excitement, snake oil and salvation combined bizarrely to open a space-time vortex in Sister Agnes’ tambourine, and in that instant she gazed deeply into it.

Forever afterwards people travelled miles just to look in her eyes.
Birth of an American Vampire

He'd heard tales of debauchery and depravity about the carnival in Shining Rock but never from someone who'd been.

The anecdotes were always about a friend of a friend or something the teller had heard by the camp fire.

He'd finally made it here and was going to experience the pleasures for himself.

It was the next morning when the shining sun started burning his skin when he understood he'd never be able to leave.
One of Our Own

“Rest easy, JoBeth,” whispered Ronson. He nodded an’ Mama Jody quit her murmurin’. JoBeth’s corpse sank back to the dirt with a sigh.

Shauna’s tentacles were twitchin’ somethin’ awful. “This demands a reckoning, Ronson.”

Ronson nodded. “’tis only proper. Send an invitation.


He studied the carmine ticket again. VIP. He liked that.

“Chairman Carruthers! Real glad ya could join us!” the hawker called, gesturing toward a red-lit tent. “Shauna’s just itchin’ ta meet ya...”
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