A creature you best stay clear of
There are tons of games, books, conspiracy theories, movies, etc concerning world war two.I never was into the world wars and stuff but why are a lot of people so obsessed with WW2 though?
As Brian said, if your British, you grew up seeing signs of that War, all over.
I was born in 1978, yet, as a kid, I would ride my bike to a place called Tan y Bwlch, across a river, the other side of the Harbour, which involved riding passed an ominous ww2 concrete machine gun bunker, sited to open fire on any German vessels attempting to land via the Irish Sea.
I'll just add survivors are still among us. Not many, but enough to keep memory alive.
There's a huge fascination in the States for the American Civil War (I'd guess even more than for WW2). If there had been motion picture footage of that event, it could possibly have been the single most popular source for new novels/films/academic research, etc. in the US. (Yes, this hypothesis is possibly tailored of whole cloth.) But it was the first American war that used photography widely, and it makes the event so much more real and immediate, because of that. Just a few thoughts, CC