(Found) L'Inconnu - Hero possibly called Brian Treggainne


Jul 13, 2006
Trying to find a book, part of a series, I read and enjoyed when I was younger. Search information below:
  • Media - novel, part of a series by the same author
  • Original year of publication - read this in the 1990s. I believe it was from the 70s.
  • Major themes - young man is brutalized as a cadet on a spaceship. Along with others, he mutinies. They call the ship L'Inconnu and then begin a trade war.
  • Plot - see above
  • Setting - trade war in space
  • Characters - think the hero was called Brian Treggainne
  • Language - English
  • Details about the cover - can't remember
  • Target audience/age group - adult age group but general science fiction
  • Ideas that you have already ruled out - it is not a French book which has been translated. The author just used some French names.
Have a feeling this might be 'Star Rebel' by F. M. Busby - the hero was Bran Tregare and my vague memories of the plot seem to fit. Been so long since I read it that I honestly can't say for sure.
Ooh! Think I've read this also, well done NannyOgg.

IIRC it's the one where the slowest cadets are blasted nekkid into space out of spaceship airlocks by a psycho captain, dystopian Darwinism
Dannymcg - Yup, that does happen in Star Rebel (still don't know whether it's the one that MikeG was thinking of). IIRC there was actually an official rule that if someone on a spaceship broke the rules seriously, rebelled or whatever, then they could legally be thrown out through the airlock. On top of that, though, Sadist Captain character would go through a performance of lining all the cadets up and choosing one to throw out at *random*.
Yep! That's what I remember.
I've spent too many years with my nose stuck in books to recall them all but some bits tend to stick in my mind.
The captain would stroll up and down while muttering "it's you not me" and chuckling
Well done. That's the one.

I'd forgotten that he did a follow up series too:
Holzain Servies 1:
Star Rebel
Rebel's Quest
The Alien Debt
Rebels' Seed

Holzain Series 2:
Young Rissa
Rissa and Tregare
The Long View
Renalle Kerguelen

I'm definitely going to buy these books and have a good read.

Thanks a lot folks

