(Probably Found) Looking for Title and Author

John Albert

New Member
Nov 16, 2017
I'm looking for a trilogy written sometime in the 60s or 70s, I think. One of the books has a 'halfman' riding a giant black cat on the cover. This book starts with the halfman visiting a human village and meeting a man dressed all in yellow (in a pub). The halfman turns out to be an avatar for the god of destruction or god of war, not sure which. The man in yellow is an immortal king that made a promise to the gods. At the end of the trilogy, the man in yellow turns out to be an avatar for the god of time.
This isn't my genre really, I'm more into sci fi than fantasy.

As soon as I saw your info about a big cat I thought
"That's a @monkeypooper kind of story, he knows a million with giant cats"

Hopefully he'll be on soon and guide you a lot better than me :)
