Looking for some cool ideas for SF?


Oct 13, 2017
What do you think would be some cool sciences to add in a story that involves parallel worlds, like Schrodinger cat, or quantum entanglement?
Are you asking ‘for a friend’? :p ;)

I think you’ll get more advice if you give an idea of what your premise is(although having said that, I’m no scientist so I might be wrong), because at the moment it’s a bit too wide.

Welcome to the forum!

What do you think would be some cool sciences to add in a story that involves parallel worlds, like Schrodinger cat, or quantum entanglement?

Best to write what you know. So if you're a big science reader, then include what is suitable - but if you aren't, then be aware you're likely to make mistakes that will through science readers out. :)
When someone becomes aware of the parallel world, that find they can influence the other world: kill a character in his/her world, the other parallel character drops dead. Now of course someone from the parallel world has to come through and kill the perpetrator... or... if they kill the perpetrator on the parallel world, will the one in the other world drop dead...?
I can't help you at all with the science aspect, Morgan, but I'm not sure even our science experts will be able to give much productive advice because at the moment you're asking the wrong question of us, as you did with your earlier posts.

The kind of thing we can help with is when someone has an idea but is missing a piece or two. For instance if a member wants nine connected items for her hero to find, but she can only think of seven, so she lists them and gives the parameters of the kind of thing she needs (eg can't be heavy/large/animate) or perhaps she wants to create a new propulsion system for her FTL spacecraft, but wants some help refining how it works without tearing the craft apart. We're good at filling in gaps or giving advice on detailed questions. We're not so good at helping with vague enquiries because there is simply far too much unknown. Imagine you want to move house so you come here and ask "Where should I live?" How can we answer that unless we know a great deal about you? eg do you like hot climates or cold ones, would you like to live abroad, can you speak a foreign language, do you prefer big cities, market towns, or open countryside, do you need a job or are you retired etc etc.

At present you've got an idea about parallel worlds, but you don't seem to have anything more. I'm conscious I may be doing you a disservice, and you're not giving any further information because -- as is the case with many new writers -- you're worried about someone pinching your ideas, but to be frank, it's not clear you even have an actual story ie characters and conflicts. One premise is enough to be the spark of a novel, but you need a lot more than that to create something which is worth the writing, and asking perfect strangers to fill in everything that is missing isn't the way to go about it.

If you do have more than just the one idea, tell us what your story is about and how your characters fit in and what you need them to do in order to tell the story you want to tell. If you don't have any kind of world and story building other than "parallel worlds", then really, you need to come up with a great deal more before we can give you any worthwhile assistance.
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When someone becomes aware of the parallel world, that find they can influence the other world: kill a character in his/her world, the other parallel character drops dead. Now of course someone from the parallel world has to come through and kill the perpetrator... or... if they kill the perpetrator on the parallel world, will the one in the other world drop dead...?

Okay... now you got me frightened!
Cool sciences...let's see.

Glaciology, Snow Hydrology, geology on Oort cloud objects, low-temperature superconducting physics...

Ah, wait a minute.

I'll get my coat.
In the story I have in mind , The quantum. experience causes Mr Schrodinger's cat to hyper evolved into an eight tall humanoid muscled super intelligent behemoth. The cat breaking out the box, gives Mr Schrodinger a stern talking to about why he should'nt have stuffed him in the box and proceeds give Mr Schrodinger a taste of his own medicine by stuffing him in the box . :D
How about dark matter (or even dark energy, if you're that way inclined)? As gravity is a deformation of spacetime (without any cited limitation on number of dimensions) dark matter is simply matter in one of the alternative - or, more likely all of the alternative - realities. So gravitational singularities are panuniversal, and the basis for transuniversal interaction. Mind, a portal big enough to get a human through is pretty darn destructive…
I propose a new element to be used in fantasy writing: grimdark matter.
Do these sciences need to exist or can we make our own? :D I like the study of sideway glances (which in a parallel dimension would be cast the opposite way every time), scientifically categorized as sidelonginus glancisis. They can be lascivious, envious, hateful, suspicious, humorous, knowing, etc. It all depends on several parameters, like social situation, squinting percentage, blinking rate, correlation with other expressive phenomena like leering, winking, ogling, lip-smacking, and whistling, among others.

@Morgan2, as you can see, you need to specify some parameters of your question before we can really begin to help you! @The Judge has said it all and better. We can help you modify what you have for the better, but we can't create it for you. Once you have something fleshed out, story-specific; relevant questions will naturally come to you, and your enquiries will therefore be better directed.

As it stands, my glance study is a valid response to your vagueness, despite not being helpful in the slightest, I imagine. You need to get specific if you want to really take advantage of this wonderful forum!

And if you're worried about someone pinching ideas, as TJ mentioned, fret not. Every writer here has a million ideas and half-projects, and given our egos, we all probably think they are better than everyone else's. Also, I believe about half of us here have already had a creative dalliance with a parallel dimension or two as well, so you'll be in good hands if you can bring a well-defined question to the table.

Keep fleshing that idea out. On a sidenote, I would suggest focusing more on plot and characters rather than worldbuilding as a starting point for your story. Have the worldbuilding complement the plot. If you do it the other way around, the story will probably be weak and superficial. My 2 cents.
I just stumbled over some Cool Science. It's in Jules Verne, A Journey to the Center of the Earth. Just in passing he mentions a paper Professor Liedenbock wrote as a young man. It was on Transcendental Chemistry. I liked that so well I've made a world-building note to do something with it. Verne never expands on the subject, but someone certainly should!

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