(Found) Searching for SciFi Book re another dimension and traveling baby


New Member
Jan 6, 2018
Hi readers,

I'm a children's librarian with very little knowledge of science fiction. An adult patron came in today looking for a book he recalls reading in the late 60s to early 70s. He thinks it may have been by Isaac Asimov but thinks it was a novel, not a short story. (Though if you know of a short story with this theme, I'd appreciate knowing that.)

He recalled the tale recently with all the hype around the Wrinkle in Time movie. He said people in the book had discovered how to travel to another dimension but once there they would go crazy. The solution was to send a baby into the dimension who could grow up there and report back.

Does this ring any bells?

Thank you!
I'm surprised that nobody else has answered this one yet: It's The Universe Between by Alan E. Nourse.

FYI -- This book was originally two different novellas. The second one has the same name as the novel made from the pair, but the first was called "High Threshold", which he or she may remember as an important phrase in the story.
I'm surprised that nobody else has answered this one yet: It's The Universe Between by Alan E. Nourse.

FYI -- This book was originally two different novellas. The second one has the same name as the novel made from the pair, but the first was called "High Threshold", which he or she may remember as an important phrase in the story.

Thank you so much. Our library patron is delighted to have the mystery solved!
Glad to be of help, and thank you for coming back to confirm that it was the right book. Please feel free to come back with other requests in the future!
