Twisted Publishing open for Horror submissions


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
They don't say it cannot be a mix of SF or Fantasy. So if this is something you do consider it. Although the window of opportunity to do this is really short.

Interested in submitting your work to The Twisted Book of Shadows? That’s good, because we’re interested in reading it!

Submissions Open: February 1, 2018
Submissions Close: February 28, 2018

The editors of The Twisted Book of Shadows want your very best horror story. That’s it. We’re making this call as open as we can make it. Just scare us.

We will be paying professional rates — a minimum of six cents per word, with a cap on advances of $300 per story. We will also be paying royalties — a pro rata share of 50% of all royalties earned.

Stories should be 3,000 words and up. Payment will be capped at 5,000 words, but we won’t reject a story for exceeding that length. (Though stories above 10,000 words will be frowned upon.)

All submissions must be original, previously unpublished stories (i.e. no reprints).

Don’t send us trunk stories. You’re wasting your time and ours.

Don’t send multiple submissions. We want your best. If you’ve got more than one story hanging around, chances are at least one is a trunk story. If you just happen to have recently written more than one story, only send the one you think is best.

Simultaneous submissions are fine, as long as you inform us immediately at the following email address if you’ve sold the story elsewhere.

All stories must be submitted via the following email address, attached as either an MS Word or RTF file. We prefer to receive stories that follow “standard professional formatting;” in other words, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman (or a similar font), with paragraphs indented rather than tabbed. All stories will be received by our web-master, who will log your submission, strip any personal information from your file, and then forward it to the editors.

We’re going to repeat ourselves because this part is that important — all stories must be submitted via the following email address. Don’t attach your submission to a personal email or a Facebook message to one of the editors or the publisher. This is how we’re keeping the submission process truly blind, so it is therefore the one and only portal to have your story considered for The Twisted Book of Shadows.
Submission Guidelines

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