(Found) Phenomenon causes planet's crop to bloom, then sun destroys, 60s 70s


New Member
Feb 3, 2018
Trying to find this sci-fi novel I read in 60's or early 70s. Protaganist discovers that planets enjoying bumper crops are due to space phenonmenon that soon destroys the planet.
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Was this definitely more than one planet? Were these food crops? Does the planet get destroyed in the book? I'm asking because there's a remote chance this could be a book I'm thinking of in which the development of one particular plant on one particular planet is found to be affected by a disaster that's coming, but that's actually the Big Reveal of the book and I don't want to name and thus spoiler the book unless it's likely to be the right one (which, from what you've said, it probably isn't).
Hi NannyOgg,
You know, it may have been one planet. As I recall, the protaganist discovers that the reason the crop is doing so well is because of some energy or phenomenon in space that unfortunately is a precursor of destruction of the planet. And that discovery was in fact the Big Reveal. I thought that he had discovered it because of it happening on other planets, but that may not be the case. I read it when I was about 10 and loved it and I want to find it and read it again and see if it still holds up.
In that case, it actually would fit the one I remember, which is Asimov's 'The Currents Of Space'. Hope that's the one!
