Oh my gosh !!! - THANK YOU ALEX and PAULMMN
I recognize the titles, and while it may be Shockwave Rider, I recall the title The Book of Skaith more - I am so happy now to look forward into both these novels and see which one it was. THANK YOU again !!!
As an related aside - there was, as I recall it, a Hugo or Nebula Winner for short story as I recall that was a truly amazing read and I am hoping somebody can help me identify this other book too - I promise I have no other inquiries. This short story was also possibly just in a collection of stories and NOT a Hugo/Nebula winner so I could be mistaken about that.
This second story, as I recall, is set entirely in some congresswomen's/senator's office wherein a man was arguing for changes in copyright and patent law. It was also a 1970s story and the setting is sometime a few hundred years in the future, definitely the USA.
Its a fascinating read because it is easy to extrapolate this story as actually happening reasonably soon. The protagonist is trying to get congress or the senate, or whatever it's equivalent was in the USA some hundreds of years in the future, to change the law because, as he argued, EVERYTHING HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE/CREATED.
I know it does not make much logical sense in my retelling what I recall - after all I personally have 6 patents and I know that they expire (e.g. the generic pharmaceuticals) in like 20 years and such. But nonetheless, the protagonist was essentially trying to argue in this short story that creative people needed the ability to basically "re-invent" things that have already been invented over the prior two thousand years.
I'm almost positive that my first inquiry was answered correctly and so I am hoping that someone might recall this particular story. In some ways the setting itself is so unique (just two people talking in an office) that I am hoping that can help IID this story.
In some ways it reminds me the wonderful film My Dinner with Andre. I recall being deeply moved by this story so if anyone can remember I will build a shrine in your name
Thanks again - I just joined this sffchronicles.com site and I already love everything about it - if only I can now get my Stargate working, haha.