"Galactic Journey" Nominated for a Hugo

Victoria Silverwolf

Vegetarian Werewolf
Dec 9, 2012
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
The website "Galactic Journey," which takes as its premise that it is being written fifty-five years ago, has been nominated for Best Fanzine.

2018 Hugo Award Finalists Announced

Best Fanzine

File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
Galactic Journey, edited by Gideon Marcus
Journey Planet, edited by Team Journey Planet
nerds of a feather, flock together, edited by The G, Vance Kotrla, and Joe Sherry
Rocket Stack Rank, edited by Greg Hullender and Eric Wong
SF Bluestocking, edited by Bridget McKinney

All honor must be given to editor Gideon Marcus, for whom this is truly a labor of love. I am delighted to have played a small part with my reviews of old issues of "Fantastic" and "Worlds of Tomorrow."

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