Story from late 80s-early 90s, early man injured by visiting spaceship, healed by godlike occupents, becomes immortal, story tracks to tech future


New Member
May 16, 2018
where he is trying to get off the planet but gov is tracking him. Most of it is in the title. I bought the book at a B Dalton store, author seemed to be not well-known as I recall. I think it could have been a tor or Del Ray book. Thank you!
On second thought, the dates are wrong.
Hey, hitmouse, thank you for coming around :), not Lazarus Long, his adventures still burn brightly. Oddly enough, I believe I read this book around the time I went back through some of that arc. This book does have a “Boat of a Million Years” feel to it, though, although i dont recall if this man made fortunes or had any company.
Wow it sounds close! I just located a copy at a used bookstore and am about to go see if it starts out as I recall. If it is then your money is no good if you come through oklahoma and need something from Starbucks :)
Greetings, apologies was on a long bike trip. I grabbed the book and took off. The first chance to read made me realize this wasn't the book but it wasn't that far off so I read it, anyway, not too bad :). Thanks for the help!
Since the OP noted that Face of My Enemy is not the book they’re recalling, I’m going to suggest one with a very similar origin story.

Ben Bova’s Orion series. First book was 1984. While it is revealed later in the novel, the protagonist was once an ‘early man’ healed (and made immortal) by visiting aliens.

Goodreads: “The plot ultimately reaches back to the Stone Age and beyond, where there are some solid sci-fi twists…”

