(Found) Non genre book search. British spy series about a history professor

Danny McG

∏ποдоовощ малыша потехи
Sep 9, 2016
Cumbria UK
I read a few of these spy books in the eighties to early nineties.

Main protagonist was a history professor, first name David (I think) and he was in the British intelligence community. He had an occasional assistant called Paul (again - I think!)

Various espionage cases he investigated all had some history connection so they called him in.

He also had a scary smart teen daughter who sometimes got involved with her insights.

Can anyone identify author or book series please?
Found it myself!
The Anthony Price series of books featuring Dr David Audley.
There doesn't seem too much online about these, just lists of the books.
I did find somebody who'd put some enthusiastic notes online :)
Series: David Audley

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