Looking for novel with female protagonist in Beijing/Hong Kong featuring alien occupation


New Member
May 31, 2018
I read this novel in paperback form in approximately 2015 (from a library). The cover was white and had a Chinese female protagonist on the cover with splashes of red (possibly with a sword?). The female protagonist was a former victim of the slave trade and had been sold to a factory that was literally going to kill her for the meat. In the story she was a foster parent for an alien baby in order to get the funds to live. An alien race had landed in the city several years later and was mostly co-existing with the human population. Instead of cell phones, people were wired into the web through a port somewhere on their head (I think?), so they could access the internet visually. The protagonist and her adoptive father end up uncovering the secret that when the aliens had landed on Earth, the rest of the planet had literally been obliterated. The only part left is the city that she lives in (either Beijing or Hong Kong).

I don't remember the name of the title or the author.
