Fear of Writing


Feb 13, 2011
In your bedroom wardrobe...

I'm halfway through one of Writing Excuses' excellent podcasts and had to stop to post the details here. Fear of Writing.

The episode deals with the struggles we suffer as writers in starting, continuing and making decisions on our projects; procrastination, general anxiety disorder, perfectionism, imposter syndrome and so on. On thing that I loved was within the first minute or so (it's under 20 mins) the guest speaker went on to say how irritating it is when writers advice is 'just sit down and write' as being so general and glib.

I'm going to post this link in my Therapeutic Writing thread, but I think it deserves its own thread as it's such good and supportive advice.

Hi Phyrebrat,

Thanks for posting this. As a new writer it really helps to have recommended resources to turn to.

I shall listen with interest.
Thanks for posting this. As a new writer it really helps to have recommended resources to turn to.

In that case, I would recommend you subscribe to the (free) show and work your way through them from episode 1 to present. I did that, and although I skipped the odd week, they are largely excellent :D and at 20 mins each, very tightly produced.

In that case, I would recommend you subscribe to the (free) show and work your way through them from episode 1 to present. I did that, and although I skipped the odd week, they are largely excellent :D and at 20 mins each, very tightly produced.


Will do, I can rattle through them on my commute. I'm working through the Brandon Sanderson 318R lectures at the moment which are excellent.
Writers and anxiety seem to go together like peas and carrots.

I have to deal with it in various ways, but it still comes at me often enough that I cant write anything for certain periods of time.
