Looking for a trilogy of kids(?) fantasy books involving dragons


New Member
Jun 3, 2018
So I read a trilogy years ago and I can only remember the end of the third book with any clarity. What I do recall is:
It was a kids series I think, and the protagonists were a young boy and girl; I don't think they were related.
The series had dragons in it, definitely, and the second book involved the girl getting kidnapped by an ice dragon and the boy going after her (I think, may have been other way round).
There's a power throughout the books that allows a person to see through the eyes of other animals (and possibly people).
The third book I remember ends with a fight between the girl and boy and the main antagonist (possibly a dragon). The boy sends his mind into the mind of whatever they're fighting to try and control it. He succeeds but because he's still in its mind when it dies he goes blind. This is the bit I remember most clearly.
If you could let me know if you recognise any of this, that would be great! I really want to read this series again but it's been at least 7 years since I read it. Thanks!
