I don't seem to think of any published stories or books that I could never read again. There are a couple of things I read in manuscript that I'd like to read again, but it seems they are lost to me. One was "The Other Engineer," a ghost story worthy of a place in L. T. C. Rolt's Sleep No More, but that was by a woman whose name I don't remember. Over 35 years ago, when I was teaching in another state, a copy of the ms was loaned to me. I think years later I wrote to the colleague who'd let me read it, to ask about it, and didn't get a reply -- but that's a long time ago. The other was Onamia, a memoir by my former English Department shair, who died about 20 years ago. It concerned his formation as a Roman Catholic priest in a somewhat isolated seminary in, I think, Wisconsin. A few years ago I tracked down his widow and asked about it, & she looked for it but didn't find it. I'd like to read these again, but that's not likely to happen.
I realize, Baylor, that this sort of thing isn't what you had in mind for this thread, but I thought people might be interested anyway.