A Punk Rock Future Anthology


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2017
Staffordshire, UK
Main details:

Genres: science fiction, fantasy, horror (all stories must have a speculative element, even the horror).

Word count: 350-6000 words.

Pay rate: 6 cents per word, professional rate as deemed by Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).

Submission Deadline: August 15, 2018.

More here: Submission Guidelines

Considering the deadline is so near, I'll be attempting something at the lower end of the word count.
From the guidelines
Stay away from the well-trodden, so:
  1. No Vampires
  2. No Zombies
Slush piles are overrun by zombies and vampires. Don’t submit those stories. They’ll be rejected instantaneously.

Dammit. I was going to introduce the world to my Vampire Zombies - Vampies - and Zombie Vampires - Zombires
From the guidelines

Dammit. I was going to introduce the world to my Vampire Zombies - Vampies - and Zombie Vampires - Zombires
Maybe they won't notice if you use an anagram of Zombires. Rebomzis?

I wouldn't know the first word for such a story!!
Mine is "The". You're welcome to use it. ;)
Though by no means an accomplished writer, I feel compelled to submit a piece for this project considering the subject matter. Niagara and Wendy-O would never forgive me if I didn't ;) Now all I have to do is try to remember back that far :cautious:

I'm so excited about this! I already have 500-words blasted out in less than two-hours knowing exactly what to write. Though I doubt my blathering would ever be published, is there a place here on the forum I could post this (what I expect to be 3-4,000 words) when it's not?

There is a mindset, a belief that so many have forgotten from that era. I've long wanted to write this :p

Though I doubt my blathering would ever be published, is there a place here on the forum I could post this (what I expect to be 3-4,000 words) when it's not?
Not at the moment, no. If you want feedback, there's Critiques, or -- if you're planning on submitting elsewhere and want it and the comments kept more private -- there's Writing Group. The former you'd have to spread it over two or three (or more) threads over several days to avoid infringing the word limit; the latter is unlimited, but you're likely to get less help the longer it is, so I'd advise you to post no more than half, and if anyone wants to read to the end they can contact you for it.
Thanks @The Judge ; Though I'm sure I could use the advice and help in editing, I had no intentions of having it critiqued. As far as looking for help (though again knowing I could use it), or simply panning for comments, that's not really what I meant.

Though one would have to be old enough to remember the '70s-'90s as an adult, there was a misunderstood belief and theme underlying all that was Punk. One that most of the population totally misunderstood though to be fair, was intentional and part of the point. It would just be great to share that mindset in one form or another.

It wasn't all about the "A"s; atoms, anarchy, apocalypse and Armageddon.

It was about the absolute law of the Tribe.

"No one at all costs, even if you must sacrifice yourself... ever hits the ground."


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I guessed you were asking about just putting it up for others to read, but as I said there's nowhere here for that, and I thought I'd offer the others in case you could make use of them, faute de mieux.
I got a quick rejection for this one, but I was "close". My reason for rejection was they have "very specific ideas on what we want", so that's the advice if anyone has anything to submit by tomorrow.

I wrote the story specifically for the contest, but wondered if I was close enough. I felt I'd be wangling the story too much (as I like to go with the flow and see what happens) and it probably wouldn't have worked as well.

It's nice to get a positive rejection. :) My previous have all been form rejections.
I have literally been interrupted continuously since I made my post above... I'm most of the way through, although, I'm considering suggesting that they consider breaking it up (or have me) into two stories. The all inclusive story deals with a single person just as 'the bomb' is dropped, now vindicated in old believes in what it would take to fix the world.

What they might not like is all of the 'reflecting' upon the era. Unfortunately, if you weren't there, a lot that was really punk isn't known or misrepresented by a lot of people. However, I can break every bit of that out into a second story, compressing the first. That second story I also like the idea of.

Unfortunately, here at the house I don't have anyone that can give me an honest opinion. So I guess I'll just have to get it from the publisher... IF I can get some time to finish and edit it :cautious:

Submitted just under the wire!

I'm not sure what's up, but be it God, the devil or a whole bunch of my karma coming back to get me, even today has been stupid. From the day I started until now, if I was doing nothing, dead air. The moment I began to work on it or other pieces, every two or three minutes I would get interrupted and have to stop.

Ah well, I needed to squeeze that one out no matter what. Amazingly, I kept it to just under 5,000-words. With all of the stories I wanted to share, I could have easily spun out a novella.

Anywho, for good or bad, used or rejected (which will be my first experience with the latter), it was a good experience. Thanks for the tip @AlexH !

Well I received my response, and I'm not sure I understand it. :unsure: It reads as follows:

Attached, please find your copy of the restraining order we have filed in U.S. District Court. You are not to attempt to make contact with us in any form, for the remainder of your lifetime, under penalty of law. You have been warned."

Is that sort of response common?

Okay, that's a lie... but it's a good story! ;)

@AlexH ; just for the record, I think we received the same form letter. I'll be posting my story on another site if you're curious, just PM me.


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