(Found) African postapocalyptic civilization african female protagonist young adult


New Member
Aug 20, 2018
The book would've been published in the late 60s through the mid 70s. The protagonist is a young African girl living in an African civilization (kingdom?) after the West has perished in an atomic war. I think the novel ends with contact being made with someone from the West.
Trencherman by Eben Venter is what I found on a Google search all the white population pulls out after a nuclear meltdown at Koeberg Nuclear Power Station
Thanks for checking, but this isn't it. The book I'm thinking of was published at least 45 years ago. It was set in West Africa, not South Africa ...
Solved! Enough thinking about it dredged the information up from the depths of my mind. It's Day of the Drones by A.M. Lightner (Bantam Books, 1970). I may have misremembered a few plot details but think I got it mostly right.
