Time Travel in Movies and Television Series

Yes. I hate love stories, being the grump I am, but I loved this movie. Thought provoking to be sure.
As for is time possible? Well as far as we know, time is linear; this may or may not be true. But the simple fact is that no-one we know of has done so. Would not someone at some point in the next thousands of years have travelled back and done something about some of the bad things that have happened?

Douglas Adams rather nicely cleared up the question of when time travel will be (or was) discovered, and then goes on, without a breath to ridicule his own idea.

One rationalization of this problem states that time travel was, by its very nature, discovered simultaneously at all periods of history, but this is clearly bunk.

(Not to mention the grammar thing)
Has anyone seen series from Spain, the ministry of time?

Three seasons were available on Netflix in the UK...

Apparently, Spain has had time travel for centuries by way of time doors...

These are ordinary doors, located anywhere in Spanish terratory (even on ships), that alchemically link the moving present to a single historical moment, say on the day of a notable soccer game, or a parallel moving point in history. They're continually being collected together in an ancient underground complex to be used by the ministry to police and maintain the culture and accepted history of Spain.
I’ve not heard of that series, Daysman. I might have to check it out.
City on the Edge of Forever. Considered by many to be the best episode of TOS. Yesterdays Enterprise on TNG was great. I also liked Shattered which is a Voyager episode.

I know Im quoting this one a second time and years after th fact but not too long ago , they did a Graphic novel adaptation of Harlan Ellison original screen play for City on the Edge of Forever as he envisioned it. Its quite good.:cool:
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Vince W just watched Bill and Ted Face the Music which obviously made me think of the Bill and Ted movies, which were great fun.

The reviews of that films are for most part, quite positive.:)
A shout out for 'Somewhere in time' with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. It's a love story, and a fabulous take on those things that can't exist unless time travel has already happened before it happened.

A very underrated film.
The Time Tunnel If done a bit differently this series could have a truly great.
Unfortunately in that time the Earth has rotated (1000mph) moved around the sun (67000mph) and the sun has nipped round the galactic centre at an estimated 200 Km/sec. We can ignore the galactic expansion/position change due to the expanding ever changing Universe stuff, lets not over complicate things. So when I arrive back in the past I'll probably live for about 5 seconds while I enjoy breathing the vacuum of space. In my last moments I can take in the view of the tiny blue dot, the Earth, speeding on it's way, whilst laughing it's polar cap off at my plight.

Although An Enemy of the State by Wilson is not time travel, it exploits the temporal phenomenon you describe.

Here's more grist for the mill, time travel movies yet to be mentioned:

About Time
Back to the Future
Beyond the Time Barrier
Grand Tour Disaster in Time
Happy Accidents
Justin Time
Peggy Sue Got Married
Source Code
Time After Time
Time Changer
Time Lapse
Time Travelers Wife
Looper (2012): I think this one's good. The protagonist's future self gradually loses his memory the more the singularity develops.
Also, The Butterfly Effect (2004). Hate it or love it, travelling back in time via journals is pretty different.
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