(Found) earth passes through a stellar cloud, all water becomes viscous


New Member
Sep 10, 2018
in search of a scifi novel i read in the 80s? a paperback from a library.

plot: earth passes through a stellar cloud, all water becomes viscous, hilarity ensues.

okay, perhaps the hilarity part is misremembered.


This must be Year of the Cloud (1970) by Kate Wilhelm and Theodore L. Thomas.

Here's a long article about it:

Guest Post: Year of the Cloud, Kate Wilhelm and Theodore L. Thomas (1970)

It all starts when astronomers detect a space cloud floating right in the Earth’s path. The planet passes through it without any apparent effects other than some brilliant sunsets. Scientists figure out that the cloud consisted of some odd organic polymer, which now permeates the atmosphere and oceans, but it seems to be harmless. . . . Within weeks it becomes clear that the mysterious polymer is gradually turning all the water on the planet into a gel.
