Your Favourite Star Trek Starfleet Uniforms

Vince W

Towel Champion
Sep 9, 2011
Since I've started the Star Trek series' over again, I was looking at the Starfleet uniforms in The Cage. I've always rather liked them, but I never see anyone use them in their cosplay. I was wondering what uniforms are Chronner's favourites. You can choose three options and if you feel so inclined, tell us why.

For me, my favourite is The Wrath of Khan+ uniforms. Very smart looking.
Next are the TNG uniforms from Seasons 3+. Much better than the unitard.
Third the TOS uniforms. Simple and classic.
I always liked the uniforms in the Wrath of Khan.

My least favorite uniforms were the ones in Star Trek the Motion picture which to me, looked like pajamas.
I quite liked the Enterprise ones as they were an adaptation of NASA’s. My favourite uniform I think is the later and darker Next generation/DS9 one.
I like the Enterprise ones as well, they shirked the usual no pockets allowed in trek rule and made a lot more sense.

Plus all the 'normal' uniforms needed velcro to hold things on them.
I'm going to be the weirdo that voted for ST Motion Picture. They are the most futuristic looking. They had structure, shapes that weren't from other real styles, but looked comfortable.

The Kahn uniforms were probably the most realistic - uncomfortable, overly formal, pointless features.

Bonus points to the dude in the shorty dress in the STNG pilot.
I think the ones for First Contact were pretty good. The black and grey combo.

The ones from the NG that were kind of baggy and caused the Picard Maneuver..I dont like those.
The ST 2 uniforms--I think they were too puffy--and I am sure they did it because they were thinking about them getting too fat--Scotty's bulkhead...the Motion Picture costumes were not going to last.

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