The Surgeon’s Mate by Patrick O’Brian


Mad Mountain Man
Jun 29, 2010
Scottish Highlands
There’s not much to say about this book other than it continues O’Brian’s generally consistent, good writing in the acclaimed Maturin and Aubrey age of sail series. As always O’Brian describes the sailing and fighting exploits of the Napoleonic British navy sympathetically but without avoiding the less savoury aspects but also not revelling in them.

If I have one criticism it is that O’Brian is in some danger of turning both Aubrey and Maturin into caricatures. Aubrey is such an accomplished, fair and brave commander at sea, and such a complete mess ashore with both his personal and business life. The contrast is so extreme to make it almost implausible. But then I am aware that for example Thomas Cochrane (the dominant model for Aubrey) didn’t do much better with his business life. And Maturin also is such an accomplished polymath, brilliant doctor, naturalist and, of course, secret agent and yet is completely hopeless at managing his own personal life, wardrobe and general appearance and is really not much better than Aubrey in that respect apart from maybe his business sense. Sometimes these ‘interesting’ character traits have a tendency to overflow into cartoon-like comedy.

However I’m perfectly happy to waive that aside in the face of what are really great adventure reads.

4/5 stars
