A dilemma


Getting worse one day at a time
Mar 22, 2012
Mercia, UK
I'm in a bit of a quandary - not helped by other factors upon which I'll not go into.

I've got four pieces on the go in various states of completion and all set in the same world.
  1. Untitled Dark Lord and Minion piece - approx just over halfway at 47k words - third person
    The Dark Lord finds himself resurrected into the body of a barbarian hero. Suffering from heroic flashbacks and a bad case of boredom, the Dark Lord goes on a road trip to rekindle the evil within.
  2. Untitled Short Investigations - approx just under halfway at 35k words - first person
    Short, is a dwarf private eye, the only one on the floating turd of a city named Allswelcome. There's a serial unkiller on the loose and it's up to Short to find them before the city is turned back to the puritanical 'good old days'.
  3. Unititled The Four collections - two completed and others planned - third person
    Gil - ex-King of the Goblins, Orn - mage of dubious power, morals and courage, Nael - young barbarian fresh out of college and Brol - the world's only talking bardic dog. A series of short stories (approx 5 to 10k each).
  4. Fodder - only 10k words so far - third person
    A small war band of orcs, fed up of being hired out to guard nameless towers and dungeons and being turned over by groups of adventurers, decide to take a break at the seaside.
My problem is which to carry on with? I'm happy with the progress on all but concerned that I'm ending up messing about between them without knuckling down on a particular tale.

Other than that, it's give up altogether and take a break.
Perhaps take one of the two you're furthest along in and try and push through to the end?

It's really hard to advise; for instance, have you stalled in any of them because you've lost interest or have plot issues that need revising? Maybe see which one your heart tugs at, rather than your brain. :) For instance, I have a stalled story which I think could be great, but that my heart just doesn't want to write it.
Well, #3 is actually four stories, so now you're up to seven.

I'm a big believer in finishing, so I would look first at which one felt closest to being done. Do I know the ending? Have I solved all the main plot complications? Am I happy with the character arc. Or am I still in discovery/exploration mode. I'd rank the stories.

I don't know if you're publishing, but the next consideration would be to determine which one ought to be published first, second, third. I'd do a separate ranking there.

Third, which is most fun or interesting as the writer? Which one makes me grimace every time I think of it? Rank them a third time.

Then compare the rankings and see if there's a clear order. In cases of obscurity, go with your gut. Or throw darts. Or get drunk and then choose.
I'm happy with all to be honest and having fun writing them, which is the main issue.

I may end up taking a die and giving chance its hand.
Perhaps take one of the two you're furthest along in and try and push through to the end?
This. If you cannot decide, then that means you believe none of the options stand above the others. If that's the case, then all things considered equal, I would try to finish the one you're further along with, if it's all the same to you. Get it out of the way and have something to show for it. This might also motivate you to finish another one, or give you a fresh perspective on what you want to do next, making the next choice for story easier.
Which are you enjoying most?

All of them :ROFLMAO:

Or which would you want your readers to read first?

Not sure. The Dark Lord was my first creation. He should really get finished first I suspect.

This. If you cannot decide, then that means you believe none of the options stand above the others. If that's the case, then all things considered equal, I would try to finish the one you're further along with, if it's all the same to you. Get it out of the way and have something to show for it. This might also motivate you to finish another one, or give you a fresh perspective on what you want to do next, making the next choice for story easier.

Go with the word count then? Makes sense.
I'm happy with all to be honest and having fun writing them, which is the main issue.

I may end up taking a die and giving chance its hand.
I was going to say toss a coin, but Juliana's suggestion sounds like a good one.

One of my problems* is the number of stories I start before I've finished others. I must have about 20 short stories in the works.

*It's not really a problem, because at least I'm coming up with new ideas.

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