The Water by Damaris Browne (aka The Judge)


Feb 12, 2007

The Water. Strange name for an art gallery.
Everyone says that. It’s wearying, to be honest, but I have only myself to blame. Mooring the gallery three hundred kilometres above a desiccated rock that hadn’t seen a drop of moisture in millennia at least gave a soupçon of irony in our first season. Here, among a pentacluster of aqua-habitats, it’s ridiculous.

Still, I make the most of it, inviting viewing guests to offer their conjectures as to its origins. Many surmise it’s a philosophical statement, art being as necessary to life as H2O. Excuse my hollow laughter. The more knowledgeable, i.e. the better prepared with goog-implanted art history briefings, think it relates to the famous conceptual installation The Water, Unbridged by Semke Manoula of 2119, or the infamous The Water is Rising by TeeranTula in 2243 which drowned forty-seven art lovers and – thanks be to the gods of true art – the artist yrself.

All such theories are wrong, but they provide opportunity for small talk, as I waft the guests – potential buyers, all – through the antechambers showcasing work from less expensive artists towards Suuztchi’s latest offerings in the main Halls.

Wow, that's some story, TJ! I read it twice...the first time, really, I was getting a feel for the relentless pace, and the intriguing, masterly use of language. The second time, to fill out my concepts of the story, as gleaned in my first reading.

There's a lot of really interesting world-building here, and this seems like it could be a part of a much larger piece, if you wanted to expand it. That's a rich world you've imagined. The ending was terrific, and really fit the adrenaline-rush of story and detail, throughout. Also, I may never eat dessert again. :) Well done, on a truly unique piece, CC
So smart and witty and at least a handful of phrases I wanna nick and pass off as me own.

When one is used to being restricted to 300 or 75 words of your talent, having a nice longer read is such a treat.

Congratulations and well done on a really enjoyable tale.

Now, I’m dying to hear some New Medieval...

Thank you, both for the lovely comments, which delighted me. So feel free to repeat them. But you do realise you run the risk of my employing the two of you as my personal cheerleaders in future, complete with pom poms and short skirts! :p

And thank you, of course, to Glitch, for taking Parrot and partners off my hands.
