I find ideas a very tricky business; in theory coming up with ideas should be the simplest part of being a writer, but they don't come very easily to me.
Like Phyrebrat, I marvel at Peat's abilities to conjure up very neat specs for stories which almost seem fully formed, and yet they fall out of The Big One like water. It's an enviable talent.
Not to say I don't have any ideas at all, otherwise I'd never have written anything at all. I've found that most of the bigger stuff I've written (novellas and novels, and even some short stories), have come when I've been given some sort of brief, however nebulous (for the record, I believe nebulous briefs for stories are much more conducive to creativity than overly prescriptive ones, which is a problem that has emerged in the Sekrit Santa activities of late).
In fact, I think of everything serious I've written, only my current WIP has been created entirely "from scratch" by me without an exterior brief or outline. Which is kind of neat as it's a story about the creative process itself.
When the ideas do start to percolate, it does take me a good deal of thought to determine whether the idea can be extrapolated into the sorts of themes and further ideas I'm interested in. And some things inevitably fall by the wayside when they fail this (entirely subjective and abstract) test.
And I do listen to the votes a little. If an idea gets people excited, it's got legs, that makes me excited. If people are down on it... sometimes I agree, sometimes I'm all "You're wrong and I'll show you why. Just give me something to stop time so I can finally get the writing done."
I don't tend to pitch ideas with others. I think I'm fairly good at being critical about my own work and ideas. Like most posters here, I can't work with something if it bores me. I do definitely have a very, very strong sense of "You're wrong and I'll show you why" though! And actually, I think most ideas can be wielded into marvellous stories if the author has sufficient skills and interest.
Whichever one I’m most likely to get some money from, frankly.
You're such a mercenary, Jo! It's an interesting point though. I think if I was commissioned to write something (ie if someone like Marvel approached me to write, I don't know, a Hulk novel, or something like that, then certainly I'd write it and get paid). But when it comes to my own ideas and my own worlds, money is less important than what interests me. I'm making a loss on
Man O'War currently, but so what? I'm still proud of it, and it's gotten me some attention elsewhere. But I don't think money should be the sole arbiter of ideation, not by a long chalk.
I'll have more of a think on this on the Money thread.