(Probably Found) Mid Nineties Sci-Fi Romance? With Fire Tattoos?


New Member
Jan 26, 2019
Ok, this might be a long shot so here goes.

Sometime in the mid-ninties, there was this book series I was reading. It was sci-fi fantasy, with a dose of romance. I don’t really remember the plot but I recall the lead being female and like...19? She had a guardian that was some kind of alien like a sexy Chewbacca. The woman was a humanoid alien and was...somewhat traumatized for reasons. She had this pyrokenetic ability that wasn’t very much in her control. I do remember that she had these markings like tattoos all along her body that flared whenever her fire powers were illicited. Now, I want to say there was some kind of erotic component that her powers were linked to sexual desire and that there’s a tension between herself and her guardian because she’s very attracted to him and that’s used to stoke and help learn to control her powers. Something like that.

I’m not sure that it was YA. When I was buying them, they were from a shop in a small town in Kansas and it was kind of multi-media deal. Sold books, comics, CDs, etc. I do remember that it was sold near the Star Wars books and that the covers had a shiny, fiery design of a half naked woman with those light up tattoos.

There was a climactic scene in a coliseum in the third book, I recall.
How about one of the Ann Maxwell 'Dancer' series (Fire Dancer, Dancer's Illusion, Dancer's Luck)? I only read the 'Illusion' one, but the plot seems fairly close.
That's the Dancer series. Good luck finding them. There was another book "Timeshadow Rider" in the same universe but set much earlier.
