Distaff - cover reveal!

Jo Zebedee

Aliens vs Belfast.
Oct 5, 2011
blah - flags. So many flags.
To celebrate International Women’s Day we’re sharing the cover of Distaff, an all-female Science Fiction Anthology featuring female authors from the sffchronicles, including Juliana Spink Mills, Jo Zebedee, Damaris Brown, Kerry Buchanan, Rosie Oliver, Em Tett, Jane O’Reilly Susan Boulton and Shellie Horst.

The word Distaff has taken on a
negative connotation lately. Originally a ‘distaff’ was a tool used in the spinning of thread for cloth. It refers to ‘women’s work’ in a traditionally passive-aggressive Victorian manner.

The anthology will be released in August of this year. It features a wide range of stories with little in common except their genre – science fiction – and the fact that they are women’s work from cover to cover.
Coming in late, as usual. Well done Jo, and the best of luck with it. Great group of authors you've got there.

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