The Expanse 2.09: The Weeping Somnambulist


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
Well I guess space piracy was in order after Holden's crew were kicked out by Fred Johnson. It surprises me how easy it is to hijack a vessel at deep space. There was no fire exchanged. No flags waves. Just one good old ruse. But the trust master of deception goes to Avesarala.

She likes to win with whatever way possible as it was said in the first season by the late Mars Ambassador. She doesn't care who toes she's going to step upon as long as the business gets done. So it amazes me how Earth Naval Captain can be so ignorant on her agent. Therefore a perfect ruse.

Only the players on opposing side aren't normal nobodies. For a lot of stuff that Mao has done in his black operations the stealth corvettes are awesome and truly terrifying. Thing is they aren't any longer a secret and more times they're used less fearsome they become. Instead they become a nuisance just like the UN undersecretary Erringwright is every time I see him on the screen.

That smug confidence on a diplomatic table isn't right and for Earth's multicultural background it is almost as if doesn't know the meaning for "losing face." Maybe all the struggles we have had with China and other oriental places during over a long history doesn't mean anything to him.

In other words if I would turn this to Game of Thrones, Erringwright isn't Little Finger but Tywin Lannister and that would make Avesarala to be Catelyn Stark. Both hard females, while Erringwrigth cannot see his doom even if it would stand at front of him. Although I suspect he isn't going end his days at a toilet seat. :rolleyes:


The best scene. Personally, if I unwrap my foilhat a bit, this is exactly the thing that has been denied happening at anywhere in our solar system. Yet, the science proves it's possible.
2.09 The Weeping Somnambulist
Too many unanswered questions remaining after this excursion into Mars-Earth politics.
Draper was twice ordered to throw her fallen comrade under the bus, but the real instigator in the Battle of Ganymede was the creature she saw. Do her superiors just want to appease Earth, or are they hiding something related to the Protomolecule?
What sort of life is thriving on Venus at the Eros crash site -- a ProtoMillerMaolecule?
Then, there's the big question: How does UN Deputy Undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala keep getting away with the f-bomb on basic cable? Is her accent so difficult to decipher that the censors aren't hearing it? :D
Then, there's the big question: How does UN Deputy Undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala keep getting away with the f-bomb on basic cable? Is her accent so difficult to decipher that the censors aren't hearing it

You got to admit though that it was a great line.
Do her superiors just want to appease Earth, or are they hiding something related to the Protomolecule?

I think her superiors has lost a couple braincells. If you rewatch last episode, you see Julie's father explaining that a first contact and learning from alien technology is somehow crucial to the development of humanity. Those Authorities only seem to think about them and their bank account, because they really don't want to be on basic support.

What sort of life is thriving on Venus at the Eros crash site -- a ProtoMillerMaolecule?

Draper was twice ordered to throw her fallen comrade under the bus, but the real instigator in the Battle of Ganymede was the creature she saw. Do her superiors just want to appease Earth, or are they hiding something related to the Protomolecule?
What sort of life is thriving on Venus at the Eros crash site -- a ProtoMillerMaolecule?

I get the feeling that they know more than they are letting on, Bobbie has told them what she saw and they are dismissing it. Yet they are rolling over far to easily to Earth by claiming they started the Ganymede incident. If Mars were the only ones with the stealth tech, and Protogen has been using it, then maybe they had more to do with it than has been established so far.
Season 2 Episode 9: The Weeping Somnambulist

The Mars delegation arrives on Earth for peace negotiations

Another solid, if slow burning, episode. It's clear that they are not going to make it to the end of the second book by the end of this season, so where will it end? Will something happen on Venus? Will Holden & Co. come face to face with ol' blue eyes? Will Avasarala drop the c-bomb? Who knows. The interrogation of Bobbie Draper was annoying, although you could see the shell around her starting to crack. Presumably Avasarala will find some way to talk to her in private and get the truth out her.

Really interested in what's going on with Venus, the added complication to the UNS research mission of having to deal with a martian presence (how did they get there before them?) and also the douche of a Captain. I assume that they were looking at the crater created by the impact, but was difficult to tell exactly what it was.

Did think the firefight at the end was a bit lame, the baddies suddenly developed stormtrooper-vision and couldn't seem to hit the backside of a barn, but of course having Holden or Amos die at the hands of effectively nobodies wouldn't play well, so their plot armour obviously saved them.
agree with @Gnrevolution about the ep being slow-burning, and regarding the firefight. Amos and Holden took no cover whatsoever and cleared out the dudes that were without a bullet coming fact, the whole scene seemed to be there solely to add another layer to the brooding, world on his shoulders look Holden walks around with. Thought Bobbie's trip to earth was really well done but I do hope there's some action next ep.

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