The Expanse - 3.11: Fallen World


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

When a thing can change the laws of physics in the blink of eye it could be considered as a god device. It's clear that the protomolecule creators are tens, if not hundreds of thousands years ahead of humanity. I might be completely wrong on the scale, but when things like that happen, it's clear to me that the humanity is way of its league. There is absolutely nothing we can do, even our ideas don't match their level of thinking. It is almost as if the Ring is made from magic. Yet, it's a clearly a biomechanical device, a gateway between the stars.

Thanks to its magical properties Naomi managed to escape almost certain death, when her ship console decided to go super nova. We can only imagine how many people were injured or rendered dead when the alien nexus put on the pacification measures. Maybe back in the day, when these big rings were formulated, the creators had same problems as us acting out our chaotic nature. It is only a wonder that people didn't go totally crazy, when those laws of nature changed.

Imagine for a moment a city and its vehicles controlled by slow zone field. Nobody could ever go above the speed limit. It would be an ultimate way to pacify and force the control. In other words the slow zone technology is a nightmare. Just look at what happened to Bulldog and Drummer. They got in really bad place, being stuck between a machine.

Their conversation the most hilarious thing in the whole episode with the old man moaning at the captain being a captain. At the end I loved that Drummer won and Bulldog was forced to stay in his place, moaning and gibbering their effed up situation.


I'm glad they showed hypostims being real in the Expanse. We still don't have that technology, but we are very close on being able to make them absolutely real, chemicals included. It might be a matter of decades before they become standard items in the first aid kits. In her shoes I would have probably taken double for just in case. Especially after seeing the corridors full of floating dead people. I cannot remember similar situation in the Star Trek other than something that happened in the Voyager.

In fact, most of the time ST has avoided showing these scenes even though it's completely plausible that at some point mass casualties is the reality space travellers are going to face. So, it's really educational to see how bad things can get out there. More so then we ever saw in the Star Trek or other space series.


While that's true I started crying, when it became clear that Drummer had accepted her predicament. The PTSD's started playing in my head and I had to pause, because I got so emotional. To me she's up there with other females in the series, immortal in her own right.

Why is it that I love strong females? I don't know. They are just super cool.


Things to do in the chaos, have a conversation with subconsious man with a knife stuck on his arm. I laughed so hard on Alex condition. If all had been wearing Martian power armour, things would have been fine as Bobby's crew was mostly uninjured, even though they lost their lieutenant, when the event unfolded. Therefore, if you ever get to space, always wear a power armour. Avoid Earth tech, if find yourself in the Expense Universe.


That is so primitive compared to shiny Martian tech, but it's even more plausible. I strongly believe that suit would work, while the other one is a bit too fancy. I wonder what OPA models look like. Maybe they are geared towards the mining operations in the deep space.

Two episodes to go. You can assume that the final is going to be a two parter.
Another great episode, although for some reason lot of people on reddit were not as enthusiastic. Ho hum...

Seeing the fallout and consequences of the actions aboard the 'nexus' was great viewing. And yet again the amount of detail they create around projecting a realistic world view is inspiring, from the fire onboard Naomi's vessel to the discussion about blood clotting on the Thomas Jane. Seeing the floating corpses from Anna's viewpoint was outstanding, as was the 'blood sucker' whose job apparently it is to vacuum up blood.

The best scenes were of course between Drummer and Ashford, both actors were nailing those performances, and now Ashford is in charge. However, despite all his rhetoric and warmth towards Drummer in those scenes, when he called the Behemoth 'his ship' towards the end I got the feeling that he may not relinquish control once Drummer is up and about again.

I'm assuming (book reader but long time since i read) that Melbarissa's suit was more of an external EVA suit for conducting repairs than a battle suit like the martians, as was called on the Normies reaction vids (check them out if you haven't done so before) they're now referring to her as the 'Evil Ripley' which I think suits her very well. Good on Anna to show up when she did!

I guess my only gripe with the episode was the attitude of the martian team towards Bobby, and her lack of reaction to it. I get it, they don't trust her after she defected (why and how they let her back into the MCRN isn't clear), but if she is the senior officer after Lt. Floorcleaner bought it I would expect them to follow her orders, they're marines after all. And why she isn't slapping them down for some of the stuff they are suggesting also feels wrong to, this is Gunny after all goddamnit!

Other than that, cracking episode, and a 2 part finale next week :))))
And why she isn't slapping them down for some of the stuff they are suggesting also feels wrong to, this is Gunny after all goddamnit!

Indeed. She used to have bollocks at the beginning of the season. Now it's like she lost them but in the return she acquired some of Avasarala's diplomacy skills. Although I'm not sure how much bollocking she could have given to poor corporal for acting against orders. What is his beef with Holden?
While that's true I started crying, when it became clear that Drummer had accepted her predicament. The PTSD's started playing in my head and I had to pause, because I got so emotional. To me she's up there with other females in the series, immortal in her own right.

Why is it that I love strong females? I don't know. They are just super cool.
Yes, perhaps the biggest flaw in the series is that is has not had enough Drummer. Cara Gee delivers an incredible performance with her guttural Creole. She deserves an award.
I was extremely fearful as it appeared that Drummer was about to be chopped in half. Her survival indicates that she might remain in the cast for a while.
I was moved by Ashford's decision to risk destroying the Nauvoo by spinning the drum to restore artificial gravity and save her life, revealing that he is actually one of the good guys. Earlier, I had been afraid he would "accidentally" smash her head with the artificial arm while they tried to retrieve that device.
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The best scenes were of course between Drummer and Ashford, both actors were nailing those performances, and now Ashford is in charge. However, despite all his rhetoric and warmth towards Drummer in those scenes, when he called the Behemoth 'his ship' towards the end I got the feeling that he may not relinquish control once Drummer is up and about again.
I noticed his self-promotion when he identified himself as the captain of the Nauvoo in his invitation to the other ships to send their wounded. His more proper title might be "acting CO" with Drummer sidelined by her injuries, but the Belters are new to the chain-of-command concept and they have more than a little pirate in them.
I wonder if Drummer might be a little bit relieved to step into an XO position.
I noticed his self-promotion when he identified himself as the captain of the Nauvoo in his invitation to the other ships to send their wounded. His more proper title might be "acting CO" with Drummer sidelined by her injuries, but the Belters are new to the chain-of-command concept and they have more than a little pirate in them.
I wonder if Drummer might be a little bit relieved to step into an XO position.

Yeah I noticed he didn't use the Acting CO moniker, maybe he wanted to provide a show of strength and unity to others, but more likely he thinks he is the permanent CO now...
Indeed. She used to have bollocks at the beginning of the season. Now it's like she lost them but in the return she acquired some of Avasarala's diplomacy skills. Although I'm not sure how much bollocking she could have given to poor corporal for acting against orders. What is his beef with Holden?

Hell at one point I thought when he gave her the gun she might use it on him, but instead she just stows it. Come on, where's the gunny we know and love?!
I was extremely fearful as it appeared that Drummer was about to be chopped in half. Her survival indicates that she might remain in the cast for a while.
I was moved by Ashford's decision to risk destroying the Nauvoo by spinning the drum to restore artificial gravity and save her life, revealing that he is actually one of the good guys. Earlier, I had been afraid he would "accidentally" smash her head with the artificial arm while they tried to retrieve that device.

Drummer is a survivor. As far as Ashford's agenda is concerned, just stay tuned. Like the stage director's admonition in Our Town, "Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear"
Another great episode, although for some reason lot of people on reddit were not as enthusiastic. Ho hum...

I guess my only gripe with the episode was the attitude of the martian team towards Bobby, and her lack of reaction to it. I get it, they don't trust her after she defected (why and how they let her back into the MCRN isn't clear), but if she is the senior officer after Lt. Floorcleaner bought it I would expect them to follow her orders, they're marines after all. And why she isn't slapping them down for some of the stuff they are suggesting also feels wrong to, this is Gunny after all goddamnit!

I think part of the problem is that this is different from in the books and she wasn't written back into the TV storyline very well. In the book story line, Bobbie does not go back to the MCRN and is not a part of the team. Forcing her into that situation makes everything awkward. I like seeing more of Bobbie because I love her character, but you're right that it doesn't make sense that she would be back in the MCRN.
I think part of the problem is that this is different from in the books and she wasn't written back into the TV storyline very well. In the book story line, Bobbie does not go back to the MCRN and is not a part of the team. Forcing her into that situation makes everything awkward. I like seeing more of Bobbie because I love her character, but you're right that it doesn't make sense that she would be back in the MCRN.

Yep. Mixed feelings for me too. I guess I can say that without a spoiler alert.

This is the inner solar system as it might appear to alien astronomers. It proves we could one day see surface features like oceans, continents, giant storms, and signs of life on Earth-like exoplanets with powerful future telescopes.

We have taken a few direct images of Jupiter-sized exoplanets, but doing the same for an Earth-scale world would require a space telescope with a mirror hundreds of metres in diameter. James Webb, NASA’s much-delayed next space telescope, is only 6.5 metres wide.
Here’s what alien astronomers would see if they looked at Earth

I wish that they would show those gates again in the season final. I'm not sure if we saw planets or the star clusters? Does the protomolecule create portals between star systems or star clusters?

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