Perry A. Chapdelaine


Getting away with it
Sep 23, 2006
The edge of the world. Yes, really.
Today I acquired 28 secondhand scifi books (Aldiss, Moorcock, Herbert, et cetera) and one was by an unfamiliar name - Perry A. Chapdelaine.
A quick search tells me he has never been mentioned on the Chrons, and neither has the book Swampworld West.

Has anyone read anything by him?
Looks a bit Fossesque. No mention of the artist's name though.

Edit: a bit of searching tells me the original 1974 edition had artwork by Josh Kirby, but this is a later version with different art (by an unidentified somebody similar to Chris Foss)
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I’ve never heard of him, but I will be very interested to read what you make of the book.
@Harpo it faintly rings a bell with me. Have you read it yet?
Is there anything about some of the native aliens being addicted to sugar? They hang around coffee shops begging off Terrans because sugar gives them like a heroin rush?.
Also the chief protagonist is newly arrived and is an expert and deadly 'needle beamer'?

Update; After looking through my ebook files I've found a sci fi short story by him 'Culture Shock', it looks like I read it just over four years ago but I can't recall anything about it.
Maybe tonight's light reading.
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Wow, that cover is awesome!
Might need to give it a shot, it looks to be down my street.
Today I acquired 28 secondhand scifi books (Aldiss, Moorcock, Herbert, et cetera) and one was by an unfamiliar name - Perry A. Chapdelaine.
A quick search tells me he has never been mentioned on the Chrons, and neither has the book Swampworld West.

Has anyone read anything by him?
Not read Chapdelaine - but I like the look of it. The cover does look Fossesque, but I think it might be Jim Burns.

The other reason for my post is... 28 book haul!? Cracking. You need to take a picture and post in, well, the 'book hauls' thread.
Is there anything about some of the native aliens being addicted to sugar? They hang around coffee shops begging off Terrans because sugar gives them like a heroin rush?
I got a somewhat poor quality pdf of this very book today, this quote below confirms that I did indeed read it (50 years ago!)

The Splurg jerked its way to the table and said something too low for the visitor to hear. Both men waved the Splurg away with scornful looks and threatening arms.
The young Splurg stumbled over to Carseegan and begged for sugar in its normal cracked voice and halting Splurg manner.

‘Pp-le-sse, ss-uh-rr. Cc-a-nn yy-o-uu ss-p-arre ss-ugh-
Every word was croaked, each syllable separated by the
Splurg's natural voice patterns.
Not read Chapdelaine - but I like the look of it. The cover does look Fossesque, but I think it might be Jim Burns.

The other reason for my post is... 28 book haul!? Cracking. You need to take a picture and post in, well, the 'book hauls' thread.

Ive never heard of him. :unsure::( I looked up the name , it a pen name , his real name was Anthony di Fabio, 1925 to 2015. He wrote sevaral other Science fiction novels.

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