May / June 2019 Anonymous 100 word challenge

Peter V

Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
This is the thread for the stories.

Theme: Clone

Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror

farntfar will be accepting entries until midnight on the fiteenth of June, and voting will continue until midnight on the twentieth. Please give your entry a title, otherwise it's quite complicated distinguishing between them when it comes to voting. There, that right now? Get creating secretly, Chrispy

Please do not post replies here. PM Your entries to @ farntfar who has kindly volunteered to run it. Thank you farntfar.

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Fill Yourselves

Green fluid falls past Clone Anna's eyes.

Through the cubicle glass, she sees Original Anna, welcoming her with open arms, lab coat slipping, smile of a monkey. The glass slides away. Annas give themselves a hug.

Clone'd been waiting years for this, a pang of sorrow, knowing that Original may never experience it. “Are you sure you don't wanna switch?”

Original shakes her head. “We'd become too diluted.”

Clone's almost passing out with excitement, seeing Original open her mouth, biting into the fitted metal dentures. To be consumed and enjoyed, to fill another with herself... it's all Anna's ever wanted.
Clone in Law

Always rough, that first breath - your torso’s barely left virtual.

Print complete, I stumble from an unfamiliar dias cordoned off from an equally unfamiliar teleport hub.

I'm not alone. Her red sash denotes senior legal rank.

She asks, “Where’d you expect to be?”

“Mars, Tharsis Dome, near the Mons, but we're in Luna gravity.“

“Well observed, Officer Ramus.”

I sit on the Dias steps. “I'm in trouble?”

“Murdered at Tharsis. You've agreements to sign, to inherit your stuff.”

I scratch my head. “Been getting threats… d’you catch ‘em?”

“We’ve someone on it...”


Her honour smiles. “We do now.”
Double Cross

“Your timing’s off.”

“What? I killed her while you were at McGovern’s!”

“I mean, you’re late here. Any later, my second alibi would’ve been useless!”

“Second alibi? Why?”

“This.” I stabbed him.

He went from confusion, to hurt, to anger. I didn’t understand the smile as he fell to the floor, but I supposed he’d just gone loopy. Stupid clones.

“There, officer! I told you!”

Why was I over there? The officer shot me. I fell. The officer and – a second clone? – came over.

“Calling in another clone gone loopy,” the officer said. The second clone winked at me.
Evil of Me

"Do you have to keep that, damned head in a specimen jar?"

"A reminder of my, other self."

"A soulless clone. A distasteful, psychotic version of you."

"A dead end experiment. We'll continue our work with only organs, limbs, and such."

"All those murders we covered up, because of that, monster. Your tattoo, physically, set you both apart."


"I saw you yesterday, without your shirt on. You have no tattoo, do you?"

"LAIR! I'll, dismember, you."

"No need, my friend. I like you, better. With your help, we could eliminate all scientific competition."

"Excellent, idea. I'll start with you."

Reproduction by cuttings? I might as well be a potato.

Mother Nature got it right when she invented sex - look at how many successful species approve.
But the military? Not even a breeding program (which might even be fun). No, take tissue samples from mission survivors, then try different training regimes to match lifeskills to physiques. Low tech control to prevent ferals breeding: radical castration.

Invading troops no longer rape their offensives, society gains. But testosterone is required to maintain aggressiveness, maintain desire. Increased violence, substitutionary torture - they can't ever take revenge on our dependents. For they are us.
Only the best will do
Terrified screams rang out as the rejects were forced into the scything blades of the tissue recycler.
She stood naked and huddling with the remaining candidates and prayed for survival.
Prime nodded her wrinkled head as more were culled, “This one looks promising, she’ll do nicely”.
The bored attendant’s led her out as screams intensified, she saw the remaining clones being hurled into the blades and shivered in relief, she lived!
They entered an operating room and strapped her to a table.
“Get her prepped, her Ladyship wants her brain in this new body immediately”.
The Me, Myself, and I Mafia.

Never let a crook like me near a cloning vat.

Me #2’s robbing a diamond exchange in Antwerp. Me #3’s moving coke out of Juarez. Me #4; credit card fraud.

I’m so proud of Me #12; he broke his car-jacking cherry in Miami.

The government, the cops; they can’t figure this out. How am I in Thailand robbing a bank the same time I’m running from L.A.P.D. on Crenshaw Boulevard?

But Me #27’s talking to the feds….

I have to whack “myself” to save myself.
Nature Versus Nurture: Separated Clone Siblings

M2 is still not participating in any activities.

Drawings by M1 show some talent. Death is a common theme.

M3 finished her geometry problems in record time. Scribbled on the page were additional calculations that I couldn’t decipher.

Progress! M2 is building something in the workshop. A toy catapult of sorts? Can’t wait to see how it works.

This experiment was halted on 06/30/2067 due to the untimely death of the investigator, enabling the subjects’ escape.
The Clone M triplets were never recovered.

<..... emthree’s plan worked!..............we must never tell them how we really communicate.......>
It's Only Natural

Maybe you got the news beamed to your smart lenses, or maybe onto the windshield of your car.


You thought about nightmare scenarios. Organ harvesting. Hordes of soldiers. Undying tyrants.

No reason to panic. Clones have been around since the beginning of humanity. I'm one.

Don't believe me? Ask my identical twin sister.

That's right. Identical twins are Mother Nature's clones. We've been around for a long, long time, and we're just like you.

Stealing body parts? Raising vast armies? Keeping dictators alive?

When did any government need clones to do those things?
Pay Attention!

"Quiet at the back! That's better. Now, children, today we are going to be visited by a clone."

"Please no, Miss. They're horrible. Can I be excused? They really scare me."

"Really, Emily? I'm so sorry. But there's nothing to be scared of."

"I hate them. The hair, the creepy smiles, the big feet."

"But this is a clone of Mr Jones. The teacher who passed away last year. The teacher you all loved. He was bald. He did smile - a lot. But he wasn't creepy and there was nothing unusual about his feet."

"Clone! I thought you said clown!"
The Changeling

My daughter came back wrong.
I didn't notice at first.
She had always been obsessed with stargazing.
I first got suspicious by her going on about 'IFOs'.
UFOs I’ve heard before - but IFOs? What?
Then it was her falling out with the dog.
And the telepathy didn’t make things better.
Still - this new daughter is clever, good at sports, and made friends at school.
She makes us proud. And I never liked the dog, anyway.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to the original.
But, she always wanted to be an astronaut -

- Rewind -

My daughter came back right...
The Dark Side of the Mirror

On her deathbed, mother revealed I had a cloned twin. As she peacefully passed, I promised I'd re-unite with her.

Now, months later, I'm on my way to meet her.

Do I really want to confront my cloned double who was never part of my life? Why was she separated from me? Why was I left in the dark?

Perhaps I'll never know my parents' reasons.

…As I slowly, fearfully walk into the house of horrors, I hear mad laughter. I see her staring. She's not like me at all, just the opposite in fact, a mirror image…
A Strange Bus

Aby had found shelter from the snow under the bus stop. Fortunately, the bus rapidly arrived at the station, yet someone was blocking the entrance.
"Excuse me," she said. The woman ignored her.
"Excuse me," she repeated. The woman did not bulge.
Aby forced her way through, and quickly realised that everyone was silent and in shock. She turned her head over to see a woman standing in the middle.
The woman was wearing raggedy clothes, but what mattered wasn't her outlook. It was her face. It wasn't anything like the rest of them.
Switched at Re-birth

“It looks like papa and sounds like him, isn’t that enough?” Sarah forced a smile as she tousled her son’s hair.

“He doesn’t know me.” David looked close to tears again. “You said when his memory module was fitted, he would remember everything up to the morning before the accident.”

Maybe somewhere he is remembering. Sarah had never felt so lost and helpless. Once inserted the integration was irreversible and even if they found the right module, the insurance barely covered the cost of one clone.

“I don’t like cabbage.” Papa sulkily pushed his plate aside. “Can we play now?”
No One Is Free Until the Clones Are

Terrin, badge 242, opened his eyes. “The hospital again?!” …. “I should be dead. Modern medicine is amazing.” …. “I guess this means I go after Jonas again. Everyone, even sub-human clones, deserves freedom.”


(Months later)

“How’s Terrin 242 closing in on me again? He should be dead.” Jonas thought angrily, as he watched the video feed of the slave pen. “That man is a bulldog.”

With great satisfaction he pushed the drone’s fire button and watched Terrin and the clones disintegrate into red ooze.


(Hours later)

“Reintegrate Clone 242.”

Terrin, badge 242, opened his eyes. “The hospital again?!”
Master of the World

"Igor! Come here."

I entered the laboratory, the generators crackling; the smell of ozone hanging in the air. "Yes, Master?"

Master was jigging and laughing. "Igor, I have succeeded. My clone, it lives."

He pointed to his creation. "See how he walks like me. How he sits like me. Look, he even scratches himself like me."

Master stopped dancing. "He could go shopping, attend meetings, visit relatives. Endless possibilities. No one will know it isn't me."

"But, Master..." I tried interrupting.

"I could create an army and conquer the world."

"But, Master..."

"Yes, Igor."

"He's only three inches tall."
Science Wins through.

The girl was openly crying, and her dad was trying his best to console her. Mum though was unperturbed and carried on using the microscope to achieve a first for mankind.
Unseen to her daughter and her husband, she was creating two identical genetic patterns. She was going to create two animals that would comfort her daughter.
It would be a world's first for this particular species. Nothing magical was being used, only science and a steady.

Two years later, two small unicorns were introduced to the world and a girl's tears were subdued, as was all mankind.

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