State Department of Transportation Highway Maps (US)


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
A tip to those who care -- it seems states are starting to drop the printing of free foldable highway maps. If you like these, you might hang on to the ones you have unless you get a replacement, and if you've been meaning to request a map(s), you might want to act now. Personally, I'm an armchair traveller, and relish perusing them.
Triple-A members can still pop into the local branch office and gather up paper maps of states, partial states, regions and cities by the armload for nothing.

I'm with you. I can still visualize geography far more efficiently, and enjoy it more on paper than screen.

But, yeah, reading and enjoying paper maps is rapidly becoming an archaic tool/pastime.
One of my favorite things about visiting cities like LA and Phoenix and such was the Thomas Guide. I adored those.
Alex, when I made a last check for things to keep when my deceased parents' house (by then mine and my sister's) was to be put on the market, I found a nice keepsake, a tattered Union 76 street map of San Francisco heavily marked with names and arrows pointing to the locations of a bunch of record and book stores. I think this was preparation for a trip around 1971 or 1972. Names include Discovery Book Shop, Albatross Books, Record House (1101 Polk), Melrose Records, Discount Records, Record Exchange, City Lights Books, etc.
