Thanks for the responses everyone, I'll look into all of that. Considering the feedback, here are a few points of note that apply to what I'm doing;
I agree with your comment on elevation. I'm routinely in the Smokey, Rockies and High Sierra ranges. For what I'm working on (this latest project), it really won't apply (as much... there are natural air pollutants nevertheless). In my future earth, imagine the world as pristine as it has ever been. Devoid of mankind's contributions. Although, that's changing
I imagine you're right about colors and familiarity. I didn't consider using the color aspect... Consider your idea stolen!
That said, 1,000 / 5,000 / 20,000 years into the future, though the polar North Star will change due to axial precession, their relative positions will not. So, I simply need to adjust what is my center (which is now South due to magnetic flip), and consider rotation and seasonal considerations.
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Fortunately, my work takes us to the vast desert of North America. So obstructions, even cloud cover due to jet stream changes, will in most cases not be an issue.
@Venusian Broon ;
That said, perhaps I'm simply blessed with excellent night vision, but even
just airglow (not skyglow) and starlight produces shadows if you look close enough and look for it. In fact, on brightly moonlit nights due to the intense shadows, it (for me) actually makes it more difficult to see at times due to the contrast (extremes of light and dark). With that in mind, my slightly evolved humans will have acquired more attuned night vision. Nothing on par with mammals with tapetums, but, better than what the average human has today. Even still, most folks I believe need to simply grant themselves a little time. It's amazing how some folks will stare into a campfire, or insist upon using flashlights, then wonder why they can't see in the dark. A little light avoidance then 'trusting what you see,' can make a world of difference.
Chile would be awesome if some of the photos are even close to actual... Regarding navigation, however, I'll look into that, but, I need to keep in mind a much different, almost primitive society. Time won't be as important to everyone BUT the navigators... Even then, they'll need to use the star's rotation to determine time. IOW, I'm thinking and leaning toward, what if my protagonist had a short staff or plate with a group of holes in it... That staff/plate, he matches up to the stars (Cepheus would be one constellation... bearing in mind that Alderamin will NOT be true north sweeping on an arc), and then using a gravity plumb, that lays a line over a protractor like scale. There is your time at night.
So, though I'll take modern and ancient navigation methods using those lessons, I want to develop slightly new/different (not passed down, considering a break in the historical record) path that this culture developed to navigate by. The stars won't change (though I am considering perhaps some becoming bright or blinking out for fun), but I'd like the navigation
tools to evolve on their own path.
As to modern lighting, there may be hope! One of the towns I was in at one time was rather developed due to the local, now long defunct, SAC base. Though small and essentially rural, I noticed that they have replaced all of the many streetlights leaving (not in) town with what I can only 'guess' are more night vision friendly fixtures. Though not a true red, they're all now a dimmer dark orange vs. the bright white. What that translates to is, as you leave town your vision begins to shift to that for darkness though the streets are still lit.
What makes it surprising is, the community is rather impoverished. So, it had to be a significant expense. Due to the positioning, I can only guess that's what it is. The fixturing has even been changed to direct the light down, so it is surprising they didn't go with white LED's, and I'm doubting that they're high pressure sodium (though the color is
@goldhawk ; nice comment regarding venus and shadows!
Besides the navigation research you all suggested, I still need to discover if some/any of our current satellites and junk will still be up there. 5k+ years is a long time to clear all that up... Hopefully, some will. My intention is to use them as one of those little hints that you're actually on Earth (which naturally isn't revealed until very late in the story).
Thanks all for letting me hash this out a little!