Wired's 12 of the best science fiction books everyone should read

M. Robert Gibson

Feb 10, 2018

Looking for your next read? Take a trip into the future with our pick of the best science fiction novels of all time

Once again, Wired prove they don't understand the concept of all time.

12 books
2 from the 1950s
2 from the 1960s
1 from the 1970s
2 from the 1980s
2 from the 2000s
3 from the 2010s

So that's 42% of the best science-fiction of all time has been written in the last 20 years

Well, that actually looks like a pretty decent time spread to me, given the fact that popular culture rarely looks to the past.

Personally, I've read all the old ones, up to and including Neuromancer, but none of the new ones except The Three-Body Problem.

One dozen books is a pretty darn small list, so I won't quibble with the choices.
What's WIRED? Some kind of magazine or tabloid?(Sorry, I don't live in the US.
Seems wholly subjective to me.

There is no way that Ready Player One should be in that list. (Don't get me wrong, it's enjoyable but it not that good.)
"but all present compelling visions of our possible future "

If that was a requirement, possible future sounds like it is saying realistic, which would cut a lot from any list. They all link back to amazon. I wonder how close amazon comes to listing every science fiction story ever written and what their ratio of used books to new books is. Maybe the stories had to be popular with people who would go on to buy shoes, vacuum cleaners, watches, chromebooks, backpacks, etc., according to what is shown in the side margins. Or can they tailor their read next articles to my personal viewing habits? Then there's the article that says says Bezos wants to colonize space while he is destroying the Earth. Anyone else see that or am I the only one writing a cookie trail says as the modern world flowers it devours the natural world.

Once again, Wired prove they don't understand the concept of all time.

12 books
2 from the 1950s
2 from the 1960s
1 from the 1970s
2 from the 1980s
2 from the 2000s
3 from the 2010s

So that's 42% of the best science-fiction of all time has been written in the last 20 years


They got to be kidding . With all the books that have been written in the genre , these the only the books they could come up with? :oops::rolleyes:

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